Volume 11, Issue 2
  • ISSN 1932-2798
  • E-ISSN: 1876-2700
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This article attempts to measure the cognitive or informational load in interpreting by modelling the occurrence rate of the speech disfluency . In a corpus of 107 interpreted and 240 non-interpreted texts, informational load is operationalized in terms of four measures: delivery rate, lexical density, percentage of numerals, and average sentence length. The occurrence rate of the indicated speech disfluency was modelled using a rate model. Interpreted texts are analyzed based on the interpreter’s output and compared with the input of non-interpreted texts, and measure the effect of source text features. The results demonstrate that interpreters produce significantly more s than non-interpreters and that this difference is mainly due to the effect of lexical density on the output side. The main source predictor of s in the target text was shown to be the delivery rate of the source text. On a more general level of significance, the second analysis also revealed an increasing effect of the numerals in the source texts and a decreasing effect of the numerals in the target texts.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): cognitive load; corpus linguistics; disfluencies; interpreting; rate model
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