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Overlap of agent roles in early twentieth-century Belgium
“A lucrative way of spending time”
- Source: Translation and Interpreting Studies. The Journal of the American Translation and Interpreting Studies Association, Volume 11, Issue 3, Jan 2016, p. 361 - 381
- 07 Nov 2016
This article aims to provide an overview of the intricate overlap of agent roles that characterized the production process of a popular bilingual work — Le chanteur de rues bruxellois/The Brusselsche straatzanger [The Brussels Street Singer] — which circulated in the Belgian capital between 1897 and 1899. By reassembling the micro-networks around the production process of The Brussels Street Singer, this study shows how the interaction and interference of different actors and agent roles led to the creation of a fundamentally hybrid work, one that allows for a better understanding of the Belgian literary configuration at the turn of the twentieth century.
© 2016 John Benjamins Publishing Company