Volume 14, Issue 3
  • ISSN 1932-2798
  • E-ISSN: 1876-2700
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Textbooks are a significant source of knowledge and a major factor in shaping teaching and learning; however, textbook analysis has been a neglected area of research. This pilot study examines the coverage of business interpreting competences and their pedagogical treatment in thirty-two business interpreting textbooks. Two analysis frameworks, on business interpreting expertise and pedagogical expertise, were developed. The results indicate that most competences are weakly present in the textbooks and that most pedagogical principles are not well applied. This inadequacy has two potential consequences: (1) students may leave the classroom ill-equipped and form biased views of the profession, by considering topics well-covered in the textbooks as important and legitimate while seeing others as unimportant and (2) students may not be adequately assisted in internalizing and acquiring competences efficiently. This study has implications for translation and interpreting textbook analysis, adaptation, and development.


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