Volume 16, Issue 2
  • ISSN 1932-2798
  • E-ISSN: 1876-2700
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In this self-reflexive paper, co-written by scholars currently collaborating on the Polish translation of Judith Butler’s , we discuss the political and activist stakes of translating a canonical queer theory text over 25 years after its original publication, in the context of anti-lgbtq+ public discourse in today’s Poland. We argue that the collective character of our translation process turns it into an activist workshop that negotiates social norms and works on the invention and application of their alternatives. This activist practice results in a programmatically accessible translation, written in gender-inclusive and queer-sensitive language that follows the poststructuralist philosophical underpinnings of the 1993 source text and its gendered language. Discussing examples of Butler’s use of grammatical gender and her politicized style in our translation, the article contributes to understanding the queer activist practice of translation and, specifically, underwritten questions of translating queer theory in a contemporary Polish (linguistic) context.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): Bodies that Matter; gender; Judith Butler; Poland; queer studies; queer translation
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