image of Linguistic and cultural adaptation of the National Quality of Life Survey in Colombia for the deaf
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This article reports on the linguistic and cultural adaptation of Items of the National Quality of Life Survey (NQLS 2018), which are included in a National Survey that explores the availability of reasonable accommodation for Deaf users in a health care setting as well as health care access. We document the cultural and linguistic adaptation step-by-step, guided by a literature review, participatory group discussions, and qualitative testing. This research addresses the dearth of accessible research instruments for D‍/‍deaf persons in low and middle-income countries. This lack of accessible tools leads to double layers of exclusion, and data gaps often lead to erroneous generalizations that do not accurately represent D‍/‍deaf populations. Evidence gaps may result in poor service planning and inadequate policymaking. This study contributes to good practices in language interpreting in research settings, disability research, and global health.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keywords: deaf population ; cross-cultural adaptation ; sign language ; translation
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