Volume 3, Issue 2
  • ISSN 2667-3037
  • E-ISSN: 2667-3045



This article presents a case study of , a collective of activists who facilitate abortion travel between Poland and Austria and provide support and interpretation in abortion clinics in Vienna. Drawing on a framework based on activist translation and motivational psychology, we investigate the factors that compel activist interpreters to join the collective and motivate their commitment to this activist work. Our study is based on a corpus of thirteen qualitative interviews with members and associates of the collective. The activists’ commitment is grounded in a range of purpose- and task-centred motivators, including their desire to respond to perceived gender-based injustice; to actively participate in society and be a member of a community of practice sharing the same pro-choice beliefs; to empower both oneself and individuals who need help; and to do good and feel satisfaction resulting from one’s work.

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