Volume 4, Issue 1
  • ISSN 2352-1805
  • E-ISSN: 2352-1813
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Video games today are highly complex audiovisual products. Their nature is not only multisemiotic but also interactive. Their potential audience has certain expectations and, especially in the case of digital blockbusters, final users need the advantage of knowledge and the force of numbers. A in design, continuity or playability will most likely be conducive to social media outrage, and will see official apologies be released presently. Conversely, accessibility shortcomings rarely or never have the same impact.

The present study puts forward the advantages of including Subtitles for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (SDH) in popular video games and offers an in-depth analysis of a selection of recent multimedia titles. Drawing on the work of Bernal Merino (2015) , O’Hagan and Mangiron (2013) and Trabattoni (2014) on the special characteristics of video games, the main elements around which they are structured and the aspects that determine their success or failure, the author will endeavour to advance a convincing argument in favour of the introduction of SDH subtitling conventions.


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