Volume 5, Issue 2
  • ISSN 2352-1805
  • E-ISSN: 2352-1813
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The study reported in this article investigated the design and implementation of a flexible bilingual mathematics assessment that allows for translanguaging whenever needed, to help the mathematics knowledge of emergent bilingual students emerge. The assessment included 10 mathematics items, six selected-response and four constructed-response items, which were enhanced with dual language supports such as seeing and listening to the items, writing or saying a response, and showing synonyms for certain words, all in English, Spanish, or any combination of both languages. These supports allow test takers to draw on their entire linguistic repertoire and their full range of linguistic practices to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in mathematics. Ten emergent bilingual students participated in cognitive interviews designed to collect data on usability and perception of the usefulness of the dual language supports. It was found that students were able to use the available supports strategically whenever needed, used their entire linguistic repertoire to complete the items, and had a positive perception of the supports.


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