Volume 10, Issue 2
  • ISSN 2352-1805
  • E-ISSN: 2352-1813
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This article examines dialogue interpreting in unscripted role-plays in the community interpreting classroom. In 2019, faculty members from several departments at Viterbo University (La Crosse, Wisconsin) coordinated an interprofessional education collaboration via role-playing in the institution’s Clinical Simulation Learning Center. Nursing, social work and pre-medical students were given the health-professional roles of caring for community members with limited English proficiency (who acted as ‘patients’). Interpreting students, both heritage speakers of Spanish and second language learners (L2) of both English and Spanish, facilitated language access for all parties involved. Recordings of these dialogues were then transcribed, annotated, and analyzed via mixed methods. This study examines overall and comparative findings of how heritage speakers and second language learners interpret dialogue, focusing on the textual aspects of their exchanges. While no language profile seemed to perform particularly better overall, certain indicators were more problematic for L2 Spanish speakers and/or heritage speakers. The presentation of these results and conclusions intend to foster improved teaching interventions for classrooms with students of varying English <> Spanish language backgrounds.


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