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Een Taalontlokkingsgesprek Met Buitenlandse Arbeiders
- Source: Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen, Volume 10, Issue 1, Jan 1981, p. 104 - 131
This paper presents the annotated text of a semi-spontaneous conversation of a Dutch student with two Turkish foreign workers in the Netherlands. The conversation, which lasted nearly an hour, is published completely, with the exception of fragments in Turkish, which have been summarized between brackets.The introduction describes the interview situation, difficulties in a linguistic interview with the aim to elicit use of a language which is not the mother tongue of the informant, and illustrates certain disturbances in the communication process. In addition the utterances of the Turkish participants are analysed according to the theory of the communicative sentence perspective as developed by Prague scholars. An intonation analysis shows similarities and differences with intonation patterns related to theme-rheme structure of standard Dutch.