Talenonderwijs aan volwassenen
  • ISSN 0169-7420
  • E-ISSN: 2213-4883
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In the Netherlands we aim at the internal cohesion of schooling, education and training of adults in one policyplan and in one scientific discipline. At the moment three departments i.e. the Ministery of Education and Science, Culture, Recreation and Social Welfare and Social Affairs cover most of this field.Structural changes in subsidized education for adults are brought by the implementation of the "Mammoth-Act" (1968). The past ten years the number of pupils trebled by:a. expansion of the establishment of new schools;b. evening schools also open for day-courses (1975);c. possibility to take an examination in only one or a few subjects (1978).Especially women make use of these possibilities. In 1980 about 2/3 were women. The introduction of a preparatory year creates the possibility to start without much education.Important for the development of government policy in the '70's were the official advisory committees: Commission Open School and Commission to Promote Local Educational Networks, both commissions worked till 1-1-'80, and the still existing Commission Paid Educational Leave. This finds its expression among other things in the adult education projects (existing tül 1983), but especially in the starting up of integral legislation for adult education. Problems in adult education in the Netherlands:participants: curriculum and didactics have to be adjusted to adults. Paying more attention to the process of intake may diminish the number of people who drop out.institutions: more co-operation of "Volkshogescholen" and day-/eveningschools as regards to intake and didactics, establishing curriculum commissions.government: more efficiency by promoting one overall governmental policy for adult education.Future: The community colleges in existence in the U.S. could serve as a model for educational communities in the Netherlands. The drop in number of pupils (from 1983 on) will cause an extra capacity in secondary education for youngsters. This capacity could be used for adult education and the developing of educational communities. In these communities horizontal and vertical differentiation could exist and general and vocational subjects could be offered.A conprehensive school for adults?


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