Talenonderwijs aan volwassenen
  • ISSN 0169-7420
  • E-ISSN: 2213-4883
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Suggestions for explicit, communicative and differentiated objectives for the teaching of Foreign Languages to" adults. The suggestions made at the end of this article are based on an analysis of the needs of a great number of adult learners that followed courses in Dutch Schools for intermediate and higher general education, courses organized by the Bond van Nederlandse Volksuniversiteiten and preparing for the internationally recognized certificate (Deutsche Volkshochschule Verband) and courses organized by the B.N.V.U. and other institutions not preparing for any particular certificate but with an emphasis on the spoken language.Although the objectives suggested are presented as a whole, the learner-centred approach enables teachers to plan syllabuses for almost any kind or level of courses, as exemplified by the choices made for the groups mentioned above. The model used was based on the "cube-model" developed by Welsing and Van Bommel (1977) who were greatly influenced by the Council of Europe activities (J.v.Ek, 1975).The questionnaire with the help of which the needs analysis was made focused on the personal data of those investigated, the circumstances in which they were to use the foreign language, expected roles, modes and channels of communication, motivation, appreciation of the way in which they had been taught so far, interests and command of the foreign language.* The title of the article is derived from a Dutch skipping rhyme.While it is recited the rope is turned round continuously and children take part in the skipping intermittently. They must not touch the rope.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
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