Talenonderwijs aan volwassenen
  • ISSN 0169-7420
  • E-ISSN: 2213-4883
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The article describes some results of an investigation into the motives and objectives of adults registered in French courses provided for by the Alliance Française de Hollande. In April 1980, students of that institution were asked to fill out a questionnaire.In brief, the results were as follows :The most important motive for taking French courses was, that the students would like to be able to converse in French while on holidays in France. Other motives to register for a course : Interest in France or some other French speaking country, interest in languages in general or in the French language in particular.The objectives of the students focus especially on speaking the language during short visits to a French speaking country. They particularly wish to develop oral skills. To be more specific, they want to be able to understand and provide simple oral information. Another objective was the possibility of talking with the French about various subjects.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
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