Onderwijs als interactieprobleem
  • ISSN 0169-7420
  • E-ISSN: 2213-4883
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With respect to the language norm there is less certainty for Frisian than for Dutch. It is a moot point whether there should be a strict norm, and if so what form this norm should take.In the teaching of Frisian three kinds of motives have always played apartj viz. language-political, cultural and pedagogic-didac-tic motives. The problem of the norm has mainly been approached from the first two motives, leading to a norm which is as "Frisian" as possible, free of Dutch influences, but not in keeping with the linguistic usage of the average speaker or' Frisian. Schools may in this way overshoot the target aimed at.It is insufficiently realized that the noria problem in education must be approached from a well-defined concept of man, society and education. in this article the norm problem is approached from an emancipatory point of view. This stand results in a flexible, rather eclectic norm,. I do not aim at teaching my pupils the one and only "real Frisian", but rather at getting started a process of awareness of the issues and at increasing their skill in using their own language. Didactically this means creating as many language situations as possible, in which reflection on the language used by the pupils is an important instrument in increasing the command of the language.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
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