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Similarities.Both are mediators, both remain in the background,. They speak or write in the target-language as if the author/speaker had spoken that language .Identification,no censorship - a calling.The transition from one"génie de la langue"into another. Interpreters,like psychologists and psychiatrists:originally a very Jewish profession. The role of a minority group,sociologically, in a masculine majority.- therefore:social programming. Similarity with the role of pianist accompanying a soloist. Bilingualism of children under ten , bilingual interpreters. The necessary distinction:only those who have the gift succeed. The difference between cerebral hemisphere functions in language between Westerners and Japanese-born Japanese - a total difference. American/Cuban born Japanese are bilingual, have the Western hemisphere function: linguistic-cultural programming,no genetic difference.Why possibly Japanese are not gifted for Western languages ,but are remarkable in Western music.Similarity between speed and complexity of data-collection and -processing in human_brain and computer-brain.The difference being: the .human brain can mentally/emotionally grasp and interpret underlying subtle implications and motivations that computer can not.Future possibilities of using jointly electronics and interpretation; possible future needs of communication between Russia and China and other nations.