  • ISSN 0169-7420
  • E-ISSN: 2213-4883
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One of the marks of a good translation is the use of the precise terminology, i.e. that technical terms are translated correctly into the target language or - if there is no direct translation - are paraphrased. With the increasing specialisation of tech-nical fields and the rapid growth in the number of new terms, the search for the correct words tends to be very time-consum-ing. As a result the need is often felt to record equivalent terms for future translation work. For this a terminology data bank can be used, either decentrally on stand-alone equipment or centrally on a mainframe computer.Even if the translator continues for the time being to keep his own collection of terminology on file cards, he can still make use of a generally accessible terminology data bank such as EURODICAUTOM in his search for terms. Unlike a "normal" dictionary, the terminology bank provides additional information such as definitions, relationships between terms and especially the sources of this information. This makes it easier to assess the reliability of the translation given.This article considers the possibilities offered to the translator by a terminology bank and also further developments such as the connection of a data bank to a word processor or a machine translation system. We are now observing the development of a new branch of technology: CAT - Computer Aided Translation.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
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