Schrijven in moedertaal en vreemde taal
  • ISSN 0169-7420
  • E-ISSN: 2213-4883
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In the period 1985-1990, software and written learning materials have been developed in the project Computer-assisted Writing Instruction, a research-and-development project of the University of Twente. The courseware was intended to serve as a prototype for writing instruction in which much attention is to be paid to text planning, before and during writing. In the experimental lessons students used a word processor and a planning support program as an aid for composing their texts.An educational innovation, such as the use of the computer as a tool or approaching writing instruction in a process-oriented way, displays its effects on all levels in the instructional situation. One intends to influence the writing achievements of students positively, but at the same time the daily routine in classes changes, both for teacher and for students. Various effects of the experimental materials and the lessons realized with it, were studied in nine third grade classes of MAVO and HAVO (lower and higher general secondary education) and VWO (pre-university secondary education). A selection of results with regard to the effects on the writing achievements of students and with regard to changes in their writing processes are being presented.From the study it appeared that students improved their writing achievements during the experimental course: they wrote better letters after the course than they did before. The writing processes of students who wrote a letter (supported by the computer program) also appeared to be changed. The required letter was planned at a higher text level after the course. However, for some of the participating students this change appeared to be immature.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
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