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Paradise: Open Call-Programma bij Uitstek
- Source: Toegepaste Taalwetenschap in Artikelen, Volume 49, Issue 1, Jan 1994, p. 69 - 77
The aim of the designers of PARADISE is to create a program which should become to language teachers and students what the word processor currently is to whoever writes.Language teachers can use it as a tool which enables them to prepare CALL-materials on the basis of texts of their own choosing. This the program provides for in a highly user-friendly way. The program allows language students to independently explore foreign language texts. The morphological analysis performed by the program supports this on the grammatical level and opens the way to its electronic dictionaries.Any text in ASCII format can serve as input. No prior editing or codifying is needed. The program analyses the text on the morphological level. Modules supporting English, French and Dutch are available. The analysis adds linguistic labels to each word in the text specifying its lexeme, word class and grammatical form. A huge amount of words in a text are ambiguous on the morphological level. In these cases the various possible lexemes are specified on the label. The data on the labels are used as a means to make a selection out of the words in the text. The user can ask for words of any word class, in any form, to be selected. He is given the choice between avoiding ambiguous forms or disambiguating them manually. The words selected are meant to serve as the basis for various kinds of grammatical or lexical exercises.The teacher is given a wide range of options in order to specify what a specific exercise should look like. Help may be given in various forms, feedback may be added to be displayed in specific situations.The exercises can be presented to the students on an autonomously functioning floppy disk, on paper or from within the main program. The latter allows for the integration of audio, e.g. for dictation purposes.The general idea behind PARADISE closely resembles that behind its precursor, ADAM & EVE. However, PARADISE recognises 98% of words in a newspaper article, on the basis of its internal word list containing about 50,000 lexemes and their associated word formation rules. Adam & Eve selects words on the basis of lexical frequency lists, containing about 20,000 words. PARADISE also handles ambiguity in an elegant way ADAM & EVE can not. The frequency lists in Adam & Eve can be expanded by the user, but this is not an easy task. PARADISE can easily be 'taughť new words. PARADISE allows for more kinds of exercises to be prepared and leaves the teacher full control over the process, while ADAM & EVE automatically generates a set of predefined exercises, some of which may prove to be useless. It is concluded that PARADISE is a highly useful tool for language teaching purposes.