Interculturele communicatie
  • ISSN 0169-7420
  • E-ISSN: 2213-4883
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By definition, foreign languages are learned with intercultural communication in mind. Therefore, it is curious, to say the least, that textbooks in use in foreign language teaching almost exclusively offer idealised native-speaker - native-speaker (NS) interaction. In the rare cases where alleged non-native speakers are involved, they appear to be indistinguishable, linguistically as well as pragmatically, from the NS.On the basis of an anthropological definition of culture and a recent model relating the components of communicative competence (Willems, 1993), a task group of a Europe-wide LINGUA project devised an analytical tool to test how realistic and intercultural input materials in recent textbooks used in the Netherlands are. An example is given of how disastrous a naive, mainly linguistically based, competence works out in intercultural contacts. Subsequently, an analysis is attempted of a contrived dialogue in German written as an illustration of how negotiatory skills and a willingness to create a safe intercultural common ground may lead to more satisfactory results. It is suggested that the introduction of this type of input not only brings a much needed integrated cultural component to foreign language teaching, but also enhances the social competence of the learner which is useful in any type of communication, including the mono-cultural interaction, if such a thing exists.Willems, G.M., (ed.) Attainment targets for foreign language teacher education in Europe, a European view. Brussels: ATEE Cahiers No. 5, 1993.


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