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Owing to processes of migration and minorization, the Netherlands is increasingly developing into a multicultural society. Litde information, however, is available about the actual composition of this multicultural society. Statistics on immigrant minority groups are commonly based on nationality and/or birth-country criteria, which both suffer from increasing erosion. Ethnic self-categorization and home language use have been suggested as complementary or alternative criteria. Particularly in the context of education, data on home language use of immigrant minority pupils can supply relevant information on the multicultural composition of schools. In fact, such data are essential for language planning and educational policy. We carried out a language survey at two schools for secondary education, with a total group of 1305 respondents. The study establishes empirical evidence on: the distribution and vitalily of immigrant minority languages of pupils in secondary education; the complementary or alternative value of the home language criterion for the definition and identification of immigrant minority pupils; and the participation in and need for immigrant minority language instruction. Procedural matters (quality of the form, distribution to and within schools) are also investigated.