Volume 63, Issue 1
  • ISSN 0169-7420
  • E-ISSN: 2213-4883
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First, this article focuses on a model for the analysis, evaluation and revision of foreign language learning tasks that has recendy been developed. A description is given of the function, form and content of the model and examples are provided. Second, the article explains how the usability of the model for foreign language teachers will be investigated in terms of its accessibility and its relevance. The research methods proposed are mainly qualitative in nature. The research questions that will be answered are:1. Can foreign language teachers work with the model in order to analyse, evaluate and revise foreign language learning tasks?2. Do foreign language teachers evaluate positively the accessibility of the model?3. Do foreign language teachers gain insight into the factors that influence the effective-ness of foreign language learning tasks?4. Does the model make foreign language teachers critical of foreign language learning tasks?


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  • Article Type: Research Article
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