Toegepaste aspekten van de taalpsychologie: 3 november 1979 te Nijmege
  • ISSN 0169-7420
  • E-ISSN: 2213-4883
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Language acquisitional processes are assumed to be interactional by nature: the language teacher (mother) and the language learner (pupil/child) influence each other's communicative behavior in such a way that linguistic input is optimalized for both the informational transfer and the acquisition of language. This viewpoint was developed on the basis of data obtained from younger children (1;0 - 4;0) and was restricted to the acquisition of new structures.It was questioned whether the interactional theory could be maintained for a developmental later stage (concrete operational; Piaget) and for the development of speech styles rather than for the acquisition of new struc-tures and whether the theory could be maintained in spite of the fact that children at age 5-8 restrict their attention to the mere formal (syntactic) aspects of language.The analysis of speech data in a first grade school (beginning and end of the year) suggest that1.) The teacher tries to treat the four groups of children (boys and girls; lower and middle class) equally in terms of number of utterances addressed to (the members of) these groups. At the end of the year it appears that she gave up this strategy during the year.2.) The children, however, differ remarkably with respect to the number of utterances they produce, but show initially only incidental differences with respect to the qualitative features (illocutional aspects, type of predicate, first, second, third person subject * first argument). 3.) The teacher differentiates qualitatively in her utterances in these terms between the four groups on the basis of quantitative differences of the groups .4.) At the end of the year the children differ qualitatively with respect to the features mentioned under 2.5.) The sequential analysis of semantic features confirmed that the teacher initiates the conversational differences in her dialogues with the children of each speech group.6.) Bandura's Social Learning Theory has to be rejected if we want to explain the development of speech styles, as the results ask for a directly steering and influencing theory.


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