Taalbeleid en meertaligheid
  • ISSN 0169-7420
  • E-ISSN: 2213-4883
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In the last few years Amsterdam has invested much money and energy in the early education of 21/2- to 6-year old children in an effort to improve the quality of this type of education. Great care is taken that the conditions for a successful preschool education are fulfilled. The language proficiency of the teachers has been tested and teachers who have not reached the desired proficiency level are offered free language lessons. For children at the age of four and six language goals have been formulated. And the didactic competencies of the teachers are checked by observing them during their daily practice. Nevertheless there remain some concerns for the future, like the general education level of the teachers, the gap that sometimes exists between preschool and primary school and the question how to evaluate best the language proficiency of the children.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
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