Constraints on Spelling Changes
  • ISSN 1387-6732
  • E-ISSN: 1570-6001
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The spelling process of Dutch second-grade students using the word processor was studied in three different feedback conditions. In the no-feedback condition, they merely had to type words without being told whether the spelling was correct or not. In one of the feedback conditions they were only told whether the word was spelled correctly, whereas in the other feedback condition they were given suggestions when words were spelled incorrectly. Students learned about the spelling of words without receiving feedback. Providing feedback, however, improved spelling performance substantially more than no-feedback. The nature of the feedback affected spelling performance of native and non-native Dutch words differently. Native Dutch words benefited more from suggestions than non-native words, and both word types benefited equally when no suggestions were provided. The quality of the suggestions provided by the spelling checker was substantially better in case of native Dutch words. Thus, Dutch second graders are capable of making efficient use of the spelling checker only in case of native Dutch words.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
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