Volume 19, Issue 1
  • ISSN 1387-6732
  • E-ISSN: 1570-6001
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Fluid intelligence (G) is the ability to solve novel problems without resorting to information obtained from previous training ( Cattell, 1987 : Horn & Cattell, 1966 ). However, several research studies ( Au et al., 2015 ; Jaeggi et al., 2008 ; Kundu et al., 2013 ) have shown that G may be responsive to training if it is decomposed to its components, which are working memory capacity (WMC), fluid reasoning and visuospatial ability. Nonetheless, there are some counterarguments proposed by some researchers saying that G may not be improved through training ( Chooi & Thompson, 2012 ; Harrison et al., 2013 ; Redick et al., 2013 ). In this study 60 Iranian intermediate students majoring in Psychology were randomly assigned into two groups of control (Gco) and experimental (Gex). Both groups had 6 sessions of writing treatment. Besides, Gex was exposed to n-back task, Cattell’s test and Raven’s test for 12 more sessions,4 sessions for each task. The results showed that the exposure to G components could significantly affect learning connectors.


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