Volume 19, Issue 2
  • ISSN 1387-6732
  • E-ISSN: 1570-6001
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Software systems convert between graphemes and phonemes using lexicon-based, rule-based or data-driven techniques. combines these techniques in a hybrid system which converts between graphemes and phonemes bi-directionally, adds linguistic and educational information about the relationships between graphemes and phonemes and provides estimates about the likelihood that the generated output is correct. We describe the components from which is built and determine its accuracy by running tests on two data sources, the BasisSpellingBank and , comparing the results to Nunn’s (1998) rule-based conversion system. converts phonemes to graphemes and vice versa with precision of 81% and 86% when tested on the BasisSpellingBank, and 80% and 81% when tested on . proves to be a powerful new conversion tool.


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