Language as Action
  • ISSN 0155-0640
  • E-ISSN: 1833-7139


The study to be reported in this paper examined the work accomplished by and in the interactions of a parent and his daughter aged 0;10–2;0. Using the findings of Gardner (2001) for adults, the analysis shows that accomplished a range of functions based on its sequential placement and prosodic features, whereas was much more restricted to its use as a continuer. The principal concern of the study, however, was to investigate how the child treated these tokens in next turn position. It was found that she was able to display her acceptance or rejection of the response and that she had acquired a stock of conversational resources to do so. Included in the stock were the ability to initiate self and other repair, to correct, and to initiate a new topic to mark completion of a sequence. It is argued that through these actions the child was offering a display of her understanding of sequential connections and appropriateness of fit, and importantly what she deemed to be a sufficient response. The paper ends with a discussion of the child’s emerging knowledge as it is revealed in the minutiae of interaction.


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