oa Delivering subject choice and quality assurance in specialised disciplines
The University of New England’s model of subject delivery at the University of Newcastle
- Source: Australian Review of Applied Linguistics, Volume 31, Issue 2, Jan 2008, p. 19.1 - 19.11
Using a new model of subject delivery, the University of New England (UNE–Armidale, Australia) offers specialist subjects at partner or host institutions. The model is a modified version of distance education. It is designed to meet the needs of on-campus students who wish to study a subject that their university is unable to offer as a full internal program. Students are enrolled as students of the partner institution, but the content of the courses, the teaching and assessment are the responsibility of UNE staff. The model is attractive to students and to tertiary administrators of both the host and provider universities. For students the model offers greater subject choice and flexibility; for tertiary administrators at the host institution there is built-in quality assurance and continuity of subject offerings, and for UNE an opportunity to develop a new market for distance education and to ensure the survival of low enrolment specialist language subjects