Volume 153, Issue 1
  • ISSN 0019-0829
  • E-ISSN: 1783-1490
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There is growing evidence that incidental vocabulary learning from extensive reading may not be a very efficient or effective means of acquiring L2 vocabulary, at least in the short-term. This study investigates the effect on FL vocabulary learning of secondary school EFL students completing four task-based reading texts under two procedurally contrasted conditions: either with teacher support or with peer collaborative support. The students, in two genuine classes, read two short texts in each condition as normal timetabled activities, partly for ethical and partly for technical reasons. This is one of a few studies that have researched FL vocabulary acquisition from a number of different texts over time, and within a task-based framework. Four texts in English with both nonlinguistic and linguistic check tasks were read in total, and thirty-two vocabulary items were targeted. On the delayed L2-L1 translation recognition posttest of the targeted vocabulary items, the scores for the teacher-supported conditions were double those for the peer-supported conditions, but in both cases the scores were disappointingly low.


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