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Babel - Volume 46, Issue 3, 2000
Volume 46, Issue 3, 2000
Literature and Translation: The First Spanish Version of Tom Jones
Author(s): Eterio Pajarespp.: 193–210 (18)More LessTranslation and literature walked hand in hand during the eighteenth century. The English novel became very well known throughout Europe and it was widely translated into most European languages. Richardson’s and Fielding’s novels were translated into French almost immediately and from this stepping stone were rendered into Spanish about forty years after the appearance of the source text; censorship played an important role in this delay. Once again, translation was the authentic international language that facilitated the transfer of ideas from place to place. My purpose here is to concentrate on the translation not as a process but as a result, focussing on its relationship with the literature and culture of the target language. This study is going to be based on the first Spanish translation of Tom Jones, which contains important differences from the English novel of the same title, because French and Spanish translators and writers alike shared a different concept of the novel as a genre.
Syntactic Competence as a Prerequisite for Translation: Evidence from the Arabic English Paradigm
Author(s): Moheiddin A. Homeidipp.: 211–216 (6)More LessTwo main points are discussed in this paper: first, a syntactic analysis of some of the verb complements in Arabic in the Government and Binding framework, henceforth GB. These include the following: the object , the absolute object, the causative object or the object of result, the comitative object, the locative object (adverb of place) and the temporal object (adverb of time). Second how such structures might be translated into English. Do they keep their syntactic categories as in Arabic or should they take some different syntactic forms but with the same meaning. The analysis shows quite clearly that syntactic categories cannot be kept through the process of translation although the meanings can be rendered quite properly.
Problems in the Translation of Paul Austers The New York Trilogy
Author(s): Raquel Orgeira Crespopp.: 227–244 (18)More LessIn this paper I examine an original text, The New York Trilogy by Paul Auster, and its translation into Spanish. The source text chosen displays a wealth of instances of symbolic names, rhymes, wordplay, idioms, cultural references, colloquialisms and other stylistic features which are hard to transfer to Spanish without a significant loss of information. I attempt to identify those phenomena and discuss how the translator confronted them. I am particularly concerned with the lexical level. The conclusion of my paper is that the assessment of the translation problems posed by this literary work reveals the possibility of achieving an acceptable version at the readership’s level. This kind of studies are useful for the subsequent systematisation of strategies for the translational problems found in any literary text.
Native Speakers Pronunciation of Foreign Names: The Case of Names of French Origin in (American)English
Author(s): Judith Rosenhousepp.: 245–259 (15)More LessDue to various reasons, proper names (personal names) are often considered a separate group within the noun category of a language. Nowadays, foreign names are much more wide-spread, perhaps, than ever before. This fact causes pronunciation difficulties to speakers in the native-language environment. Moreover, the foreign origin of a name remains long after an individual’s immigration, and many foreign names are integrated into the absorbing language.Two problem areas arise for speakers of a certain language who have to pronounce foreign names: on the written modality level, letter-to-sound correspondence, and on the aural modality, the pronunciation of the foreign name (according to the speaker’s L1). These issues require decisions about phonological and phonetic features of the foreign language which are to be adopted or discarded in pronouncing a name. Based on our field study, various solutions of these problems are here described and discussed.It appears that native speakers of English (not only American English, as our study reveals) do not base their decisions only on the graphic form of the names (letter sequences); their experience with other languages affects their productions. In addition, not all letter sequences yield identical pronunciation decisions. Thus, solutions are not uniform. Examples are given from French surnames and personal names that occur in English in the USA.
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