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Gesture - Volume 11, Issue 1, 2011
Volume 11, Issue 1, 2011
Using speech and gesture to introduce new objects to young children
Author(s): Eve V. Clark and Bruno Estigarribiapp.: 1–23 (23)More LessAdults rely on both speech and gesture to provide children with information pertinent to new word meanings. Parents were videotaped introducing new objects to their children (aged 1;6 and 3;0). They introduce these objects in three phases: (1) they establish joint attention on an object; (2) they introduce a label for it; (3) they situate the object conceptually. Parents used labels and gestures to maintain attention on the object; with one-year-olds, they led with gestures to capture the children’s attention. They added supplementary information about objects only after labeling them, again with speech and gesture. They used indicating gestures (point, touch, tap) to identify the objects labeled, their parts, and their properties. They used demonstrating gestures (turning a truck wheel, opening salad tongs) to depict actions and functions they were describing in words. These procedures support children in their construction of meanings for new words.
Iconic gesture and speech integration in younger and older adults
Author(s): Naomi Cocks, Gary Morgan and Sotaro Kitapp.: 24–39 (16)More LessThis study investigated the impact of age on iconic gesture and speech integration. The performance of a group of older adults (60–76 years) and a group of younger adults (22–30 years) were compared on a task which required the comprehension of information presented in 3 different conditions: verbal only, gesture only, and verbal and gesture combined. The older adults in the study did not benefit as much from multi-modal input as the younger adults and were more likely to ignore gesture when decoding the multi-modal information.
Cognitive skills and gesture–speech redundancy: Formulation difficulty or communicative strategy?
Author(s): Autumn B. Hostetter and Martha W. Alibalipp.: 40–60 (21)More LessSpeakers sometimes convey information in their gestures that they do not convey in the accompanying speech. The present study examined whether individual differences in the production of non-redundant gesture–speech combinations are related to individual differences in speakers’ spatial and verbal skills. We classified speakers as spatial dominant, verbal dominant, or equally matched on the basis of the difference in their performance on a spatial visualization test and a verbal fluency test. We used the coding procedure developed by Alibali et al. (2009) to code speakers’ gesture–speech redundancy as they narrated an animated cartoon. Spatial-dominant speakers produced a higher proportion of non-redundant gesture–speech combinations than other speakers. The results suggest that some speakers may use non-redundant gesture–speech combinations as a communicative strategy that enables them to capitalize on their strong imagistic representations.
The relation between the encoding of motion event information and viewpoint in English-accompanying gestures
Author(s): Fey Parrillpp.: 61–80 (20)More LessProperties of motion events (e.g., path, manner) and point of view (e.g., character’s point of view, observer’s point of view) can both be encoded in co-speech gestures. How are these two dimensions of meaning associated? In an examination of English narrative data collected under controlled circumstances, we found that gestures encoding manner of motion were significantly more likely to appear in character viewpoint. Gestures encoding path (but not manner), on the other hand, were significantly more likely to occur in observer viewpoint. Gestures encoding both path and manner simultaneously were also significantly more likely to occur in observer viewpoint. We suggest that selection of point of view may have effects on the encoding of certain semantic features in gesture.
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