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- Volume 47, Issue 2-3, 2020
Historiographia Linguistica - Volume 47, Issue 2-3, 2020
Volume 47, Issue 2-3, 2020
An ablative for the Greeks?
Author(s): Raf Van Rooypp.: 137–168 (32)More LessSummaryIn this article, I discuss a grammar dispute that took place between Philipp Nicodemus Frischlin and Martin Crusius in Tübingen in the winter of 1585/1586. I argue that their diverging views on the ablative case reflect a disagreement on two levels, in addition to their obvious personal rivalry: (1) the foundations of grammar, which Frischlin based on meaning rather than form, following J. C. Scaliger, and (2) contrasting attitudes toward the Greek people and heritage. Additionally, I discuss Frischlin’s views on the article and the optative mood, while also tracing a popular misquote from Scaliger’s work to Frischlin.
Father Iakinf Bičurin’s theory of mental inflection in Chinese
Author(s): Ksenija Kožapp.: 169–187 (19)More LessSummaryThe article deals with the highly original idea of mental inflection [умственное словоизменение] in Chinese put forward by the prominent nineteenth-century Russian sinologist Nikita (比丘林, Father Iakinf or Hyacinthus) Bičurin (1777–1853) in his Kitajskaja Grammatika (1835) and other language-related works. The concept refers to the internal features of Chinese morphology which compensate for the absence of common grammatical inflection. Fostered in an Humboldtian spirit, the theory established a link between covert categories and their surface representations a century before functional syntax appeared on the linguistic stage.
Der Einfluss der akademischen Interaktionen auf die Auflagen- und Wirkungsgeschichte von Hermann Pauls Prinzipien
Author(s): Beijia Chenpp.: 188–230 (43)More LessZusammenfassungTrotz der zahlreichen Untersuchungen zu den modernen Sprachideen in Hermann Pauls Prinzipien sowie deren Einfluss auf die Sprachwissenschaftsgeschichte wurde die reichliche Auflagen- und Wirkungsgeschichte dieses Werkes nur selten in der linguistischen Historiographie thematisiert. Durch Rekonstruierung der Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Paul und den Rezipienten der Prinzipien beleuchtet der vorliegende Beitrag aus einer wissenschaftssoziologischen Perspektive einige bisher unbemerkte Details bezüglich der Auflagen- und Wirkungsgeschichte der Prinzipien unter dem Einfluss der akademischen Interaktionen, bei denen Pauls Aussagen in diesem Werk teils fixiert, teils zugespitzt, teils abgeschwächt wurden und die Sprachwissenschaft gewissermaßen mit in die Moderne gesteuert wurde.
L. V. Ščerba’s conception of language
Author(s): Olga Campbell-Thomsonpp.: 231–249 (19)More LessSummaryThis contribution offers an introduction to an essay by the Russian linguist Lev Vladimirovič Ščerba (1880–1944), “О трояком аспекте языковых явлений и об эксперименте в языкознании” (“The threefold aspect of linguistic phenomena and experiment in linguistics”), which was first published in 1931. This introduction is followed by an annotated translation of Ščerba’s essay, proposed here for the first time to an English-speaking readership (Read the English translation at 10.1075/hl.00075.sce).
The critical introduction provides the backstory behind Ščerba’s conception of language as a means of helping the reader to understand the connectedness of the various strands of his linguistic research. As is shown in our introduction, Ščerba’s general distinction between linguistic raw material, the linguistic system and individual speech activity (the “threefold aspect” alluded to in the title of his essay) serves as a framework to conceptualise metalinguistic practice and the relation of the social dimension of language to its individual embodiment. An examination of the explanatory potential of Ščerba’s conception of language for general linguistic problems suggests that his achievements lay in formulating a cohesive account of the interconnectedness of language phenomena, identifying the linguistic means with which to understand the social nature of language, and providing a theoretical basis for addressing the practical tasks of linguistics.
The threefold aspect of linguistic phenomena and experiment in linguistics*, **
Author(s): Lev Vladimirovič Ščerba and Olga Campbell-Thomsonpp.: 250–265 (16)More LessTranslation by Olga Campbell-Thomson (University of Glasgow) of the essay by the Russian linguist Lev Vladimirovič Ščerba (1880–1944), “О трояком аспекте языковых явлений и об эксперименте в языкознании”. The essay was first published in 1931 and is proposed here for the first time to an English-speaking readership.
The monolingual approach in American linguistic fieldwork
Author(s): Margaret Thomaspp.: 266–302 (37)More LessSummaryIn the first decades of the 20th century, fieldwork — collection of language data through direct interaction with a native speaker — was foundational to American linguistics. After a mid-century period of neglect, fieldwork has recently been revived as a means to address the increasing rate of language endangerment worldwide. Twenty-first century American fieldwork inherits some, but not all, of the traits of earlier fieldwork. This article examines the history of one controversial issue, whether a field worker should adopt a monolingual approach, learning and using the target language as a medium of exchange with native speakers, as opposed to relying on interpreters or a lingua franca. Although the monolingual approach is not widely practiced, modern proponents argue strongly for its value. The method has been popularized though ‘monolingual demonstrations’ to audiences of linguists, which, curiously, are not wholly consistent with the character of 21st-century fieldwork.
A letter from Zellig Harris to André Lentin
Author(s): Bruce Nevinpp.: 303–321 (19)More LessSummaryToward the end of his life, Zellig Harris (1909–1992) wrote a brief account of the origins and development of his work to establish the foundations of a science of language on mathematical principles. A French translation was published in 1990, and in the same publication appeared a parallel appraisal from a mathematical point of view by André Lentin (1913–2015). Early the following year, having reread Lentin’s essay several times, Harris wrote him the letter which is presented here. More than a gesture of thanks and appreciation, this letter further illuminates the comprehensive overview afforded by the two essays, both of which appeared in English in 2002.
Critique de Colombat & Lahaussois (2019): Histoire des parties du discours
Author(s): Nico Liocepp.: 322–331 (10)More LessThis article reviews Histoire des parties du discours
Review of Joseph (2018): Language, Mind, and Body: A conceptual history
Author(s): David Crampp.: 332–339 (8)More LessThis article reviews Language, Mind, and Body: A conceptual history
Review of McElvenny (2019): Gabelentz and the Science of Language
Author(s): Jacques Françoispp.: 340–346 (7)More LessThis article reviews Gabelentz and the Science of Language
Review of Benveniste, Coquet & Fenoglio (2019): Last Lectures. Collège de France 1968 and 1969
Author(s): Pierre Swiggerspp.: 347–359 (13)More LessThis article reviews Last Lectures. Collège de France 1968 and 1969
Review of Goldsmith & Laks (2019): Battle in the Mind Fields
Author(s): Patrick Flackpp.: 360–369 (10)More LessThis article reviews Battle in the Mind Fields
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