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- Volume 49, Issue 2-3, 2022
Historiographia Linguistica - Volume 49, Issue 2-3, 2022
Volume 49, Issue 2-3, 2022
Who Copied Whom?
Author(s): Casper Jacobsenpp.: 166–197 (32)More LessAbstractIs the vocabulary appended to a late copy of the Franciscan missionary Andrés de Olmos’ grammar of Nauatl from 1547 an addendum produced by the same author, thus constituting the earliest known lexicographic work of colonial America? By reviewing the debate surrounding this vocabulary found in the so-called Fischer (Tulane, or TULAL) manuscript and examining it using new insights into dictionary-making in the early modern world, I argue that it postdates the 1540s. In contrast to the assumption that the Fischer vocabulary was a source for the famous Spanish-to-Nauatl dictionary from 1555 by the Franciscan missionary Alonso de Molina, I demonstrate that the author of the vocabulary employed Molina’s later dictionaries from 1571 as its main lexicographic sources. The potential relation to Molina’s early dictionary is also examined and similarly indicates that the Fischer vocabulary was copied from Molina rather than vice versa, although the vocabulary may have been composed at different times.
The Pronunciation of German ch as Velar or Palatal from 1784 to 1841
Author(s): Tracy Alan Hallpp.: 198–234 (37)More LessAbstractThroughout most of the eighteenth-century, grammarians believed that ch in German words like Macht ‘power’ and Licht ‘light’ had only one place of articulation. In the final quarter of that century three studies discovered that ch in such words represented two places of articulation corresponding to what modern-day linguists call ‘velar’ and ‘palatal’ (Mäzke 1776; Hemmer 1776; Fränklin 1778). The present article concentrates on the years following those three works. While the most widespread claim was that ch represented only one place of articulation, a number of scholars continued in the tradition of Mäzke, Hemmer, and Fränklin by recognizing that ch had more than one place of articulation. The purpose of this article is to document those innovative studies and to assess their understanding of the phonetics and phonology of German ch.
From Mandarin to Cantonese Lexicography
Author(s): Rui Lipp.: 235–266 (32)More LessAbstractThe Vocabulary of the Canton Dialect, compiled by Robert Morrison (1782–1834) and published in 1828 in Macao, was the first bilingual dictionary of Cantonese in a Western language. This article traces the genealogy of the Vocabulary by examining Morrison’s sources. It is shown how Morrison availed himself of the resources of Mandarin dictionaries and of the lexicographical work on Cantonese undertaken in the 1820s.
Three Cases of Plagiarism?
Author(s): Liesbeth Zackpp.: 267–301 (35)More LessSummaryThis article discusses four 19th-century textbooks for teaching Egyptian Arabic to foreigners: Nolden’s Vocabulaire français arabe (1844), Zenker’s Vocabulaire phraséologique français-arabe (1854, published under the pseudonym Barthélémy), Sacroug’s The Egyptian Travelling Interpreter (1874) and De Vaujany & Radouan’s Vocabulaire français-arabe (1887). These books display remarkable similarities. They contain, among other subjects, a vocabulary, a grammar, useful Arabic phrases and Egyptian weights and measures. Zenker, Sacroug and De Vaujany & Radouan copied extensively from Nolden’s book without referring to the original source. However, these three textbooks are not exact copies (or, in the case of Sacroug, not an exact translation) of Nolden’s book: although the authors took Nolden’s Vocabulaire as their basis, they also considerably reworked it and added extra materials. In this paper, the contents of the four textbooks are compared in order to determine how the authors treated Nolden’s work, what they added and how they improved it.
L’arabe algérien parmi les pères blancs
Author(s): Francisco Moscoso Garcíapp.: 302–335 (34)More LessRésuméLe cardinal Lavigérie (1825–1892) avait coutume d’exhorter les membres de la Société des Missionnaires d’Afrique, connus sous le nom de “Pères Blancs”, à étudier les langues des populations locales. L’étude et la publication d’ouvrages en arabe algérien par les Pères Blancs peuvent être divisées en deux périodes: de 1868 à 1940 et de 1940 aux années 1980. Dans la première période, les traductions de la doctrine chrétienne en arabe algérien moderne jouaient un rôle central, bien que certains textes ethnographiques aient également été publiés en arabe algérien. Durant la deuxième période, la majorité des publications était constituée de textes ethnographiques ainsi que de manuels d’apprentissage de l’arabe algérien.
The Beginning of Quantitative Sociolinguistics in the Nineteenth Century
Author(s): Kristoffer Friis Bøegh, Peter Bakker, Inger Schoonderbeek Hansen and Carsten Levisenpp.: 336–354 (19)More LessAbstractIn 1898, a young Dane, Anker Jensen (1878–1937), published a pioneering study in which he investigated the linguistic situation in Aaby, then a village and parish located just west of Aarhus (the second-largest city of Denmark, in Jutland), and today an integrated part of the city. Anker Jensen’s article can safely be considered the first sociolinguistic study in a Danish context, and it may in fact be the world’s first quantitative sociolinguistic study altogether. Jensen’s research was ahead of its time, and written in Danish, and for these reasons it has gone largely unnoticed internationally. In this article, we present an introduction to Anker Jensen’s Aaby study, providing background information and additional context for modern readers, as well as offering an overview of the author’s collected works, both published and unpublished. We also briefly discuss our translation into English of the original 1898 article. The translation is likewise published in this issue of Historiographia Linguistica.
Compte rendu de Larcher (2021): L’invention de la luġa al-fuṣḥā: une histoire de l’arabe par les textes
Author(s): Julien Sibileaupp.: 372–379 (8)More LessThis article reviews L’invention de la luġa al-fuṣḥā: une histoire de l’arabe par les textes
Review of Van Rooy, Van Hecke & Van Hal (2022): Trilingual Learning: The Study of Greek and Hebrew in a Latin World (1000–1700)
Author(s): Eleanor Dickeypp.: 380–384 (5)More LessThis article reviews Trilingual Learning: The Study of Greek and Hebrew in a Latin World (1000–1700)
Review of Considine (2022): Sixteenth-Century English Dictionaries
Author(s): Angela Andreanipp.: 385–390 (6)More LessThis article reviews Sixteenth-Century English Dictionaries
Compte rendu de Denecker, Desmet, Jooken, Lauwers, van Hal & van Rooy (2022): The Architecture of Grammar. Studies in Linguistic Historiography in Honor of Pierre Swiggers
Author(s): Wolf Dietrichpp.: 391–404 (14)More LessThis article reviews The Architecture of Grammar. Studies in Linguistic Historiography in Honor of Pierre Swiggers
Review of Kilarski (2021): A History of the Study of the Indigenous Languages of North America
Author(s): John E. Josephpp.: 405–411 (7)More LessThis article reviews A History of the Study of the Indigenous Languages of North America
Review of Hirschkop (2019): Linguistic Turns, 1890–1950: Writing on language as social theory
Author(s): Lorenzo Ciganapp.: 412–418 (7)More LessThis article reviews Linguistic Turns, 1890–1950: Writing on language as social theory
Compte rendu de Riemer (2021): L’emprise de la grammaire. Propositions épistémologiques pour une linguistique mineure
Author(s): Sémir Badirpp.: 419–426 (8)More LessThis article reviews L’emprise de la grammaire. Propositions épistémologiques pour une linguistique mineure
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