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Historiographia Linguistica - Volume 8, Issue 1, 1981
Volume 8, Issue 1, 1981
Minima Planudea: Un Bizantino Tra Paradigma E Rivoluzione
Author(s): Furio Murrupp.: 1–21 (21)More LessSUMMARYIn a recent article R. H. Robins has tried to raise the interest in the grammatical work of Maximus Planudes (c. 1255-1305); still today, we have little on this remarkable late-medieval figure by Byzantinists, classical philologists, or historians of linguistics. The present paper hopes to promote a greater interest in the linguistic production of the Oriental Empire. Following two 'pro-treptic' paragraphs (a general one on Byzantine grammar, and a particular one devoted to Planudes and the Byzantines) the relationship between Planudes and the numerous authors he read are analyzed, e.g., Priscian, Apollonius Dys-colus, and others. Thus, in the section "Prepositions, movement, and Planudean literature" Planudes' proposal is presented according to which the relation between certain Greek prepositions (such as could be analyzed by resorting to a distinction between two types of movement, a rectilinear one extending to all four directions, and a circular one. The latter type is a relative one only, since a circular thing in final analysis remains motionless with regard to external points of reference; only the positions of its points vary. This theory, however, is not original with Planudes, as it harks back to the Aristotelian De caelo and other pre-Planudean sources. In the section "Word order and 'essential' proposition" Planudes' explanation why particular lexemes belonging to a given word class precede others of nearly equivalent meaning is studied, and also his explanation why a sentence model, though containing all parts of speech, could be reduced to a subject/predicate structure through progressive deletions. Even in this Planudes is not entirely original; there are almost identical statements to be found in Apollonius and Priscian. Finally, in the section "Planudes and the disciples mentioned in his works: Kugeas — a fancy?" the traditional view is disproven according to which Planudes alludes in his treatises to his own disciples. In fact, the names mentioned in them, such as Apollonius, Dionysios, and others, are little more than exposes of the writings of Apollonius Dyscolus and Priscian. The paper concludes by noting that Maximus Planudes is hardly an original thinker; however, a full study of his work, in particular the preparation of a critical edition, remains desirable in view of its reflection of the then prevailing 'paradigm', the framework of a fairly neglected period in the history of linguistic thought.RESUMEBien que Robins ait recemment essaye de reveiller l'interet pour les oeuvres grammaticales de Maxime Planude (c. 1255-1305), nous n'avons jusqu'a present aucune contribution de Byzantinistes, philologues classiques et historiens de la linguistique en ce qui concerne les aspects les plus importants de cet erudit du Bas-Moyen-Age. Afin de developper - selon les suggestions de Bursill-Hall -les etudes visant a retrouver la production linguistique de l'empire d'Orient, 1'auteur presente deux paragraphes "protreptiques" (le premier, general, sur la grammaire byzantine, le second limite a Planude et aux byzantins), et d'autres ou sont etudies, sous differents angles, les rapports entre Planude, Priscien, Apollonius Dyscole et les nombreux auteurs lus par Maxime Planude pendant sa vie. "Prepositions, mouvement et lectures de Planude" presente la theorie du savant de Byzance selon laquelle il est possible d'expliquer la relation entre les prepositions grecques en distinguant deux types de mouvement, l'un rectiligne et dans les quatre directions et l'autre circulaire; celui-ci serait seulement relatif, car un corps circulaire qui roule sur son axe reste immobile par rapport a des points exterieurs de relation et seules changent les positions de ses points. Toutefois, cette hypothese ne serait pas originale, puisqu'elle remonte au De caelo d'Aristote et a d'autres lectures de Planude. "Ordre des mots et 'phrase essentielle'" examine comment, selon Planude, des effacements progressifs permettent de reduire un modele de phrase contenant toutes les parties du discours a une construction minimale "sujet/predicat". L'auteur en arrive a la conclusion que, sur ce point aussi, Planude n'est pas tout a fait original, puisque nous avons des passages presque identiques d'ApoUonius Dyscole et de Priscien. "Planude et les disciples nommes dans ses oeuvres: fantaisies de Kugeas?" refute l'opinion de ce byzantiniste connu d'après lequel Maxime Planude ferait allusion a ses eleves: en realite les noms cites (Apollonius, Denys, etc.) seraient tout simplement des exemples generiques, du type de ceux employes par Apollonius et Priscien. Maxime Planude, en definitive, ne serait pas exceptionnel par rapport a ses devanciers, malgre cela, il vaudrait la peine de reetudier et de reediter ses textes, qui constituent des documents significatifs d'une epoque assez negligee dans l'histoire de la lin-guistique.
Die Ortografia Kastellana' Des Gonzalo Correas Aus Dem Jahre 1630
Author(s): Rudolf Zimmerpp.: 23–45 (23)More LessSUMMARYGonzalo Correas (c. 1570-1631) publishes his Ortografia kastellana in 1630. In this proposal at an orthographic reform of Spanish Correas refers regularly to Antonio de Nebrija's (1444-1522) Gramatica castellana (1492), on the one hand, and Mateo Aleman's Ortografia castellana (1609), on the other. Although he shows a certain respect for his predecessors, Correas does not fail to note a lack of rigour and ambiguities resulting from this lack. He strives for more precision than his predecessors who had limited their analysis to merely descriptive phonetic detail, he clearly departs from the Latin tradition, and rejects the etymological approach to orthography. Correas starts off with an analysis of the phonological system of the language of his time in order to propose an orthography that is both coherent and transparent, something which also signals his pedagogical concerns. In order to arrive at a one-to-one correspondence between pronunciation and graphic representation, he does not spare any effort to find an adequate sign system. He proposes altogether 25 letters to represent the 25 types of sound he had identified, fully in accordance with the economy principle which requires that one sign represents one and only one type of sound and vice versa. This alphabetical system constitutes an adaptation of the already existing alphabet. During a generally precise and rigorous discussion Correas justifies the suppression of certain redundant signs, the use of certain letters with new values, and the introduction of ligatures. On the other hand, he undertakes the elaboration of a new alphabetical order divested of any arbitrariness by establishing a hierarchy of letters in which distributional criteria play a primordial role. In effect, if abstraction is made of certain debatable points, the argument as a whole is coherent and rigorous, to the extent that it could be said that his proposals, if adopted, could have improved considerably Spanish orthography. The elaboration of his alphabetical system makes him a theorist of considerable stature.RÉSUMÉEn 1630 Gonzalo Correas (c. 1570-1631) fait paraitre un traite ou il expose un projet de reforme de l'orthographe espagnole: Ortografia kastellana. Cet ouvrage s'en refere constamment d'une part a la Gramatica Castellana (1492) de Antonio de Nebrija (1444-1522), qui faisait alors autorite, et d'autre part a l'Ortografia castellana (1609) de Mateo Aleman. Malgre le respect qu'il mani-feste a leur egard, Correas ne manque pas de denoncer, chez chacun d'eux, une certaine absence de rigueur et les ambiguites qui en resultent. Alors que ses predecesseurs se limitaient a une analyse phonetique descriptive, Correas a une approche plus precise des donnees linguistiques. II prend ses distances par rapport a la tradition latine, il refuse l'orthographe etymologisante. Correas part d'une analyse du systeme phonologique de la langue de son epoque pour proposer une orthographe a la fois coherente et claire - ce qui denote aussi des preoccupations d'ordre pedagogique. II s'efforce done de trouver un systeme de signes ecrits parfaitement adequats a representer le systeme des sons, pour aboutir a une correspondance totale entre prononciation et ecriture. Obeissant a ce principe d'economie du systeme — un signe graphique et un seul pour cha-que 'Lauttyp', un 'Lauttyp' et un seul pour chaque signe graphique — il transcrit les 25 'Lauttypen' qu'il a recenses par 25 lettres. Cet alphabet se presente com-me une adaptation de l'alphabet preexistant. Au cours d'une argumentation generalement precise et rigoureuse, Correas justifie la suppression de certains signes redondants, l'utilisation de certaines lettres avec une valeur nouvelle, 1 introduction de ligatures. D'autre part, Correas tente d'elaborer un ordre al-phabetique nouveau, denue de tout arbitraire, en etablissant une hierarchie des lettres ou des criteres distributionnels jouent un role primordial. Si l'on fait abstraction de quelques points de detail contestables, l'ensemble est parfaitement coherent et rigoureux. Les principes adoptes par Correas dans l'elabora-tion et l'agencement de son alphabet font de lui un theoricien conscient des problemes linguistiques dont les travaux auraient pu aboutir a une amelioration optima de l'orthographe.
Thomas Stackhouse's Theory of Linguistic Rhetoric: A Study of Reflections on the Nature and Property of Languages (1731)
Author(s): Joseph L. Subbiondopp.: 47–62 (16)More LessSUMMARYThomas Stackhouse's (1657-1752) Reflections On the Nature and Property of Languages (1731) was directly concerned with two areas critical to an understanding of 18th century English linguistic theory: the nature and origin of language, and rhetorical grammar. Stackhouse's method was as follows: he defined language according to its origins and history, and he identified those rhetorical universals which he beheved were essential for the refinement of language. Assuming that all languages were equal in their capacity to communicate, Stackhouse argued that perspicuity, purity, copiousness, neatness, energy, sublimity, and number increased the effectiveness of language. A study oi Reflections suggests that theories of language, thought, and society must dovetail if we are to ever explain communication.RESUMEL'ouvrage de Thomas Stackhouse (1657-1752) Reflections sur la Nature et la propriete des langues (1731) traite de deux domaines capitaux pour la comprehension de la theorie linguistique en Angleterre au 18eme si£cle: la nature et Porigine de la langue, la grammaire rhetorique. La méthode de Stackhouse consistait a définir la langue d'apres ses origines et son histoire et a relever les universaux rhetoriques qu'il croyait essentiels au raffmement de la langue. Presupposant toutes les langues egales par leur capacite de communiquer, Stack-house soutenait que le clarte, la purete, l'abondance, la nettete, Venergie, la sublimite, et le nombre accroissaient l'effeicacite de la langue: en etudiant les reflections, on est amene a penser qu'il faut combiner les theories du langage, de la pensee et de la societe, si on veut un jour expliquer la communication.
The Canadian Winter' of Edward Sapir
Author(s): Stephen O. Murraypp.: 63–68 (6)More LessSUMMARYContrary to the commonly-held view advanced in the literature and by Edward Sapir (1884-1939) himself that he hibernated in Canadian exile, most of the linguistic work and the initial culture and personality theorizing upon which his reputation rests were done while he was head of the Division of Anthropology within the Canadian Geological Survey, Ottawa (1910-25). Despite personal tragedy and successful competition for funds with the (World War I) effort, Sapir professionalized ethnolinguistic work on Canadian native languages, co-ordinated and did fieldwork, and published more than he had or would in positions he held in the United States (University of Chicago, 1925-31, and Yale University, 1931-39)RÉSUMÉContrairement a ce qu'on pense en general et a ce qu'a suggere Sapir lui-meme, parlant de son hivernage dans l'exil canadien, la plus grande partie de ce qui fonde son renom — ceuvre linguistique et mise en theorie de la culture et de la personnalite primitives - date de Pepoque ou il etait directeur du Departement d'anthropologie, dans le cadre du Releve geologique du Canada. Malgre son drame personnel et l'impossibilite de concurrencer, en matiere de flnancement, I'effort de querre (de la premiere guerre mondiale); Sapir a reussi a faire de l'etude ethno-linguistique des langues autochtones du Canada une specialite reconnue, a coor-donner et a realiser lui-meme d'importants travaux sur le terrain et a publier plus qu'il n'avait ou n'aurait fait aux postes occupes par lui aux Etats-Unis (Uni-versite de Chicago, 1925-31, et Universite de Yale, 1931-39).
Medieval Donatus Commentaries
Author(s): Geoffrey L. Bursill-Hallpp.: 69–97 (29)More LessSUMMARYThe rich treasure-house of unedited grammatical material, some of which has already been reported, held in various manuscript collections dating from the Middle Ages contains a number of versions of the grammatical works of Donatus and more than 200 commentaries, most of them anonymous, on various aspects of the Donatus corpus. The purpose of these notes is to draw attention to these commentaries dating from the period 11th - 15th centuries and to suggest that a reappraisal of Donatus's status in medieval grammatical study is needed.RESUMELe riche tresor, deja en partie inventarie, des documents grammaticaux inedits conserves dans diverses collections de manuscrits medievales contient un bon nombre de versions des ouvrages grammaticaux de Donat et plus de 200 commentaires, anonymes, pour la plupart, portant sur differents aspects du corpus donatien. Les remarques ici proposees visent a attirer l'attention sur ces commentaires, qui vont du lleme au 15eme siecle, et a souligner la necessity de reexaminer la place occupee par Donat dans les recherches grammaticales du Moyen Age.
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