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Interpreting - Volume 4, Issue 1, 1999
Volume 4, Issue 1, 1999
Interpretation at the Nuremberg Trial
Author(s): Francesca Gaibapp.: 9–22 (14)More LessIt is often argued that the first War Crimes Trial (Nuremberg Trial) could not have been possible without simultaneous interpretation. This notwithstanding, Nuremberg interpreters have been consistently ignored in the historical record. This paper seeks to do justice to the language personnel of the Nuremberg Trial, by presenting the people who brought interpretation to the Trial, the court interpreters themselves, and the effect that interpretation was perceived to have on the proceedings. For this paper I draw on historical official and unofficial documents of the Nuremberg Trial deposited in major national archives, as well as on personal communication with 12 interpreters who worked at the Trial in Nuremberg between 1945 and 1946.
At the Dawn of Simultaneous Interpretation in Russia
Author(s): Aleksandr D. vejcerpp.: 23–28 (6)More LessThis is a brief outline of the early history of simultaneous interpretation in Russia from its first use at the 6th Comintern Congress (1928). The highlights of the early postwar period included the active participation of Soviet interpreters in the Nuremberg Trial and the Tokyo Trial of major Japanese war criminals. The real baptism of fire for a large group of Russian conference interpreters was the International Economic Conference held in Moscow in 1952. Since the 19th Congress of the Soviet Communist Party, simultaneous translation has been more and more widely used on such occasions. The technique and hardware of simultaneous interpretation, at first somewhat crude and primitive, were gradually upgraded approaching international standards.
Conference Interpreting: From Modern Times to Space Technology
Author(s): Jesús Baigorri-Jalónpp.: 29–40 (12)More LessBased on original sources, both written and oral, the paper offers an overview of the path followed by the profession of conference interpreting since its birth at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference until now, with a diachronic perspective that may serve as a useful compass to forecast its future course.
Simultaneous interpretation in Russia: Development of Research and Training
Author(s): Ghelly V. Chernovpp.: 41–54 (14)More LessSimultaneous conference interpretation was first practiced in Russia towards the end of the 1920s on rather primitive equipment. Research in simultaneous interpretation began in the 1960s and the concepts of the primacy of the sense of the message and the significance of interpreters' extra-linguistic knowledge underlay the training from the very beginning. A brief description is given of the history of the few schools of translation and interpreting existing in Russia. The author shows to what extent ongoing research in SI in Russia had an impact on the curricula of the schools. Finally, several suggestions are made on how to improve both training methods and lab equipment in future.
The Teaching of Conference Interpretation in the Course of the Last 50 Years
Author(s): Danica Seleskovitchpp.: 55–66 (12)More LessThis contribution looks back at 50 years of teaching conference interpretation. The author discusses natural interpretation and irrational, system-imposed interpreting and sets forth the underlying linguistic assumptions that explain conflicting views on shadowing, simultaneous into a B language, note taking, etc.1
Interpreters are Made not Born
Author(s): Jennifer Mackintoshpp.: 67–80 (14)More LessConference interpreter (CI) training since the Nuremberg Trials, where simultaneous interpretation was successfully used on a wide scale for the first time, is discussed. The establishment of interpreting schools and development of the CI curriculum and training paradigm are followed through to the present day. Curriculum models are identified and the content of training programmes discussed. The role played by AIIC in establishing the CI training paradigm via symposia, workshops and publications is presented. The increasing importance of theory in CI teaching is considered and doctoral programmes in CI studies are mentioned. The training of CI trainers is identified as a recent development and existing training possibilities reviewed. The paper goes on to discuss courses organised to meet special needs (e.g. new languages in the European Union) and the European Masters programme in CI being developed jointly by the European Union and a consortium of European Universities. It concludes with a brief indication of important issues in CI training for the future.
L'Histoire de l'Association Internationale des Interprètes de Conférence (AIIC)
Author(s): Walter Keiserpp.: 81–95 (15)More LessThis article attempts to cover the history of the International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC) from its beginnings in the early fifties to present day challenges and recent developments. As AIIC evolved and its membership increased to about 2500 members around the world, so did its complexity. Its evolution mirrors the coming of age of a profession with the concomitant challenges that every profession and professional organization must face today: safeguarding standards of quality, maintaining and improving working conditions, the forces of deregulation and changes brought about by new technologies. AIIC can look back on solid accomplishments covering most every facet of the profession, its achievements serving professional interpreters around the world, whether they are members of AIIC or not.
The Face of Justice: Historical Aspects of Court Interpreting
Author(s): Ruth Morrispp.: 97–123 (27)More LessHistorically, although overall attitudes to court interpreting vary over time, certain issues are perennial : in particular, an individual's right (or otherwise) to interpretation (entitlement), deciding whether a need for interpretation exists (determination), and interpreter competence (quality). This paper strives to convey an awareness of the various difficulties that seem from case reports to have existed historically — and may indeed still be present in various judicial systems — in addressing these issues in a way which seems satisfactory to the various participants involved. It does so by quoting extensively the words of some of the judicial actors who over the decades have addressed this vital, but often woefully under-considered issue. The lamentable plight in which some language-handicapped defendants have found themselves may be guessed at from appellate courts' comments about the behaviour of lower courts.
'Getting Organized': The Evolution of Community Interpreting
Author(s): Franz Pöchhackerpp.: 125–140 (16)More LessBased on a broad definition of the concept of community interpreting, the paper gives an overview of the development of community-based interpreting as a profession since the 1960s. Reviewing both the field of sign language interpreting and spoken-language community interpreting in the context of migration, major elements in the process of professionalization are described with reference to selected examples. The overall picture is one of great diversity of approaches, constraints and responses to the challenge of intra-social interpreting needs throughout the world, shaped by the variable interplay of factors like the existence of legal provisions, institutional arrangements for interpreter service delivery, an authority-driven or profession-based system of accreditation or certification more or less specifying standards of practice and professional ethics, training programs within (or outside) the established public system of higher education, and a professional organization more or less inclusive of various types of interpreting activity. Typically, interpreting services 'get organized' (by institutions or community agencies) before practitioners get organized to shape their professional terms of reference, and much progress in the evolution of community interpreting is still to be made.
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