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- Volume 34, Issue 2, 2019
Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages - Volume 34, Issue 2, 2019
Volume 34, Issue 2, 2019
The perfect in English-lexifier pidgins and creoles
Author(s): Stephanie Hackertpp.: 195–242 (48)More LessAbstractThis study investigates the expression of perfect meanings in thirty English-lexifier pidgins and creoles or related varieties, such as African American Vernacular English or Singlish. The data were elicited with the help of sixteen sentences and a short text from Dahl’s (1985: 198–206) typological tense-aspect questionnaire. The perfective, as the perfect’s ‘anti-prototype’ (Dahl 2014: 273), is also considered. The possession of a grammaticalized perfect category is particularly frequent in West Africa, where it is likely to constitute a case of substrate influence; moreover, the gram is considerably less frequent in English-lexifier pidgins and creoles than in non-creole languages, which may be related to recent grammaticalization processes.
The formation of the Kallawaya language
Author(s): Katja Hannßpp.: 243–286 (44)More LessAbstractIn this paper, I will discuss the question of the formation of the mixed and secret Kallawaya language, spoken by traditional herbalists at Lake Titicaca, Bolivia. The parental languages of Kallawaya are Southern Quechua (Quechua IIC), which provided the grammar, and now-extinct Pukina, which presumably supplied the lexicon. I argue that Kallawaya arose from lexical re-orientation, having been created by Quechua native speakers. As such it does not present an instance of selective replication (Matras 2000). To support this claim, I will discuss lexical, grammatical, and structural evidence. In contrast to what has been claimed by Stark (1972), only a small part of the Kallawaya lexicon links to Pukina. Moreover, the Kallawaya grammar is as good as identical to that of Southern Quechua but contains some grammatical markers that do not trace back to Quechua or Aymara. It is the aim of this paper to concentrate on these deviant markers, investigating possible relationships with Pukina. I will show that demonstrated links to Pukina are scarce and that the formation of Kallawaya is better explained as a case of lexical re-orientation.
Plurality and definiteness in Mauritian and Haitian creoles
Author(s): Viviane Déprezpp.: 287–345 (59)More LessAbstractIn addition to plurality, creole plural morphemes impart an additional meaning of definiteness or specificity to the nominal expressions they mark. As of yet, there is no precise characterization either empirical or theoretical of the semantic/pragmatic dimensions they convey. Furthermore, the question of whether this added meaning is largely fixed across distinct creoles and plural morphemes, or subject to variations has never been examined. With the goal of bringing new insights intothese questions, this paper reports the results of a comparativestudy of the properties of two creole plural morphemes in two distinct French-lexifier creoles, Haitian Creole (HC) and Mauritian Creole (MC).
Besides relying on native speaker intuitions, a detailed comparative qualitative and quantitative study of the uses of these plural morphemes was conducted in a textual corpus in two adaptations of the story of the Little Prince by Antoine De St Exupery, in Haitian Creole and in Mauritian Creole respectively. The results of this comparative investigation clearly demonstrate that the use of plural morphemes in the two creoles, though similarin a number of respects, also differ quite systematically. We observe that the distinctions noted closely mirror the uses of the singular definite marker ‘la’ bv’ also argued to subtly diverge in these two creoles (Wespel 2008, Déprez 2016, in preparation). The paper analyzes this mirroring effect as a consequence of the positions that the plural morphemes come to occupy in the nominal structure and of the way the structure building operations are constrained in the different creoles. Concretely it is argued that the plural morphemes come to derivationally occupy the position of definite articles in each of the languages, and that this derivational process is obligatory in Haitian Creole due to the pronominal nature of its plural morpheme, but remains optional in Mauritian.
The role of parallel constructions in imposition
Author(s): Ming Chew Teopp.: 346–376 (31)More LessAbstractImposition, a general mechanism of contact-induced change that manifests itself in creole formation, second language acquisition, and even language attrition (Winford 2013), is a result of unequal dominance in a multilingual’s languages, whereby linguistic features from an individual’s more dominant language are transferred to a less dominant language (van Coetsem 1988). In order to flesh out how imposition operates in multilinguals, this study compares the differences between Singaporean Chinese and Malay speakers in their use of already in Colloquial Singapore English. Based on sociolinguistic interview data from twelve Chinese and eight Malay individuals, it is found that Chinese and Malay speakers differ primarily in two ways: (1) the preferred syntactic position for already; (2) the frequency of different contexts that already appears in. By integrating theories from cognitive linguistics and findings from psycholinguistic studies, this paper argues that ‘equivalent’ constructions across two grammatical systems within a multilingual’s mind is a key channel through which imposition operates. To support this argument, differences between the speech of Chinese and Malay speakers are shown to be motivated by the presence or absence of ‘equivalent’ or parallel constructions.
Kreolisch und Französisch. By Peter Stein
Author(s): Peter Bakkerpp.: 391–394 (4)More LessThis article reviews Kreolisch und Französisch
Language contact in the early colonial Pacific. Maritime Polynesian Pidgin before Pidgin English. By Emanuel J. Drechsel
Author(s): Peter Bakkerpp.: 395–399 (5)More LessThis article reviews Language contact in the early colonial Pacific. Maritime Polynesian Pidgin before Pidgin English
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