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- Volume 10, Issue, 1986
Lingvisticæ Investigationes - Volume 10, Issue 1, 1986
Volume 10, Issue 1, 1986
Il Y A ... Qui et C'est ... Qui: La Syntaxe Comme Compatibilité D'opérations Sémantiques
Author(s): Jean-Marcel Léardpp.: 85–130 (46)More LessIl y a ... qui and c'est... qui:Syntax and compatibility between semantic operationsIn this paper, we show that il y a ... qui and c'est... qui have three meanings or values, that are suitable with only some operations of determination, modalization (like questions, negations) and with a number of syntactic categories and functions. Therefore, we use syntactic properties to point out semantic features, but we show, in return, that syntactic acceptability of sentences can be often explained by semantic compatibility between operations. That involves a basically semantic grammar.So we link syntactic and semantic properties, mainly the meaning of grammatical morphemes. In such a case, we consider that transformational hypotheses, which don't take into account these links, are not appropriate, and we propose a more realistic way (although theoretical) of doing syntax: syntax is also the compatibility between the meaning of morphemes.
Réflexions Sur la Théorie de L'article de Gustave Guillaume
Author(s): Stanislaw Karolakpp.: 131–151 (21)More LessThis paper is concerned with the analysis of the theory of the French article presented in the classical work by Guillaume "Le problème de l'article et sa solution dans la langue française". The paper emphasizes Guillaume's search for the semantic nature of the relationships determining the distribution of articles. The paper supports Guillaume, who seems to claim, contrary to what is commonly believed, that the function of the articles is non inherent in them, but that it is determined by the semantic properties of the nouns which select them. Treating this claim as the starting point, the paper focuses on the analysis of various senses of noun phrases, carried out in terms of the functional calculus. The applied method invalidates the extensional theory of the noun accepted by Guillaume, as well as a number of generalisations made by him.The paper shows logical and semantic conditions of some rules governing the use of the article. They differ from those proposed by Guillaume in that they seem to reach a deeper level of linguistic mechanisms. On the other hand, the emphasis is laid on Guillaume's subtle analysis and detailed observations, which stand in a sharp contrast to his rather vague generalizations.
Le Complément D'agent Introduit Par la Préposition de
Author(s): Charlotte Schapirapp.: 153–172 (20)More LessThe purpose of this study is to draw attention on a syntactic function somewhat neglected till now in literature: the agent introduced by de in French.A reconsideration of the data led us to a new classification of the verbs admitting such an agent. Some other points (such as the status of this complement with the verbs accepting both direct and prepositional objects, or the affinity of the preposition with undeterminated objects) have been discussed, leading to conclusions different from those generally accepted in grammars and textbooks.
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