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- Volume 12, Issue, 1988
Lingvisticæ Investigationes - Volume 12, Issue 1, 1988
Volume 12, Issue 1, 1988
Analysis by Fusion
Author(s): Morris Salkoffpp.: 49–84 (36)More LessSentences of the type Max elbowed his way through the crowd have not been studied in detail hitherto. The systematic investigation undertaken here shows that the verbs appearing in them have a large lexical extension. These sentences are also productive, so that an unlimited number of new verbs of the paradigm are constantly being created; the verbs constitute an open class. Three new results have been obtained. The first shows how certain apparently inexplicable uses of it (as in beat it!) can be related to a pro-nominalization observed in the paradigm. The second shows how nouns like cannonball, steamroller, skyrocket, etc., can become verbs. The third result is a verification, by a systematic investigation of the English lexicon, of the common semantic intuition that these sentences can be paraphrased by others like Max made his way through the crowd by using his elbows.
L'interprétation Événementielle des Phrases en Il Y A
Author(s): Jacqueline Giry-Schneiderpp.: 85–100 (16)More LessThis paper presents an illustration of the claim that it is possible to treat a semantic problem with the use of syntactic data only, i.e. without appealing to extralinguistic considerations. The example in question is concerned with French clauses constructed around Il y a, for exampleIl y a un tank dans le jardin(There is a tank in the garden)The event interpretation of such a clause can be explained by the pseudo-sentential clause construction Il y a que S, which is formally related to such clauses.
Grammaire des Dates Etude Préliminaire à Leur Traitement Automatique
Author(s): Denis Maurelpp.: 101–128 (28)More LessGrammar of dates: Preliminary study to their automatic treatment.The automatic analysis of dates in a text requires a precise description of all the possible forms.This article presents a detailed study of the sentence Ceci est arrivé le jeudi 3 avril 1986 à huit heure cinq (this happened thursday april the third 1986 at five past eight) according to the transformational methods developed by Z.S. Harris and M. Gross.This sentence is considered as derived from a more complete one where genitives have been introduced and whose different steps of derivation are nearly all attested (sometimes in old French).The sentences obtained in this way are analysed either by the replacement of the definite article by another determinant, or by its deletion. For each determinant, an automaton is described which identifies the various attested forms.Finally, the influence on the previous forms of modifiers and conjunctions is studied.There follows a short description of the calendar and the resulting constraints.
Un Mot, des Fonctions, des Contextes
Author(s): Marie-Louise Moreaupp.: 129–150 (22)More LessWe presented six words to subjects, who were asked to produce a sentence for each of these words. Results show that each word occupies one or two dominating syntactic positions. This can be explained by semantic stereotypy and by syntactic stereotypy. This last notion refers to idiomatisms, "couplons", preformed sequences and semantico-syntactic structures.The whole study leads to the conclusion that subjects do not memorize isolated words but rather that they memorize words together with the semantic and syntactic contexts in which they previously met them.
Les "Noms de Qualite", Syntaxe ou Semantique?: Le débat entre J.-C. Milner et N. Ruwet
Author(s): Francis Gandonpp.: 157–179 (23)More LessThe first part of this paper presents the position of the discussion: must a node Quality be assumed to describe "non classifying" nouns? N. Ruwet objects to this theoretical attitude as developped by J.-C. Milner.First is considered the DISQUAL (qualitative dislocation) transformation as unable to describe all the positions of the Quality nouns: the extra-posed dislocation is often impossible and, according to the position within the sentence, the relationship between thema and rhema will be modified. The criterium of dependence between the Quality noun and the main statement is not strict, on the other hand. No definite boundary between syntax and semantics can be drawn within the field considered.Another point develops the "syntactic pun" (Milner).The Qualitative question is eventually referred to Opacity and replaced inside an enonciative frame as a particular kind of "shifting out."Though the Class/Quality distinction operates as continuous (Ruwet), it cannot be separated of a general paradigm elsewhere developped (psychoanalysis, ethnology, semantics, etc.). Though not entirely descriptively adequate Milner's point of view is justified.
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