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- Volume 14, Issue, 1990
Lingvisticæ Investigationes - Volume 14, Issue 1, 1990
Volume 14, Issue 1, 1990
L'Interprétation des Relatives: Le Rôle des Déterminants
Author(s): Laurent Gosselinpp.: 1–30 (30)More LessThis paper deals with the problem of the opposition between restrictive and descriptive relative clauses. The syntactic and/or semantic nature and validity of this opposition are discussed. Based on recent semantic analyses which contest the necessity and the possibility of choosing in every case between restrictive or descriptive interpretations (Cf. C. Fuchs 1987, G. Kleiber 1987), the syntactico-semantic representation proposed here aims at predicting ambiguity and indeterminacy as well as non-ambiguous interpretations for relative clauses.
Adverbes de Date: Étude Préliminaire à Leur Traitement Automatique
Author(s): Denis Maurelpp.: 31–63 (33)More LessFrench adverbs of date: Preliminary study to their automatic treatment.This article deals with a study of French adverbs of date. The construction of these adverbs is presented in the form of automata. Paragraph two deals with time adverbs and raises the problem of generalizing the notion of adverb and of the choice of a verb classifier. The next paragraph describes the structure of adverbial complements which have the names of time as heads. Many determinants, extensions of names, co-ordinations are studied. There are also some examples of ellipsis. Paragraph four deals with adverbial complements which have names of feast as heads. A last paragraph concludes with a description of data processing application and with the part that these automata will take in a syntactic analysis, in a transfer model of translation system or in a data base.
Sound Change in Romance and the Non-Explanatory Nature of Preference Laws
Author(s): Marc Picardpp.: 65–80 (16)More LessIn recent years, it has been proposed, notably by Vennemann and Murray, that the direction of sound change can be predicted in terms of a set of syllable-structure preference laws which are based on the notion of consonantal strength. This paper attempts to show how problematic such an approach proves to be when the data from Romance historical phonology proposed in support of these laws are examined critically. Numerous counterexamples and internal contradictions suggest that syllable structure has little or no influence on the effectuation of any type of sound change, and that it is purely fortuitous if a more "preferred" structure happens to emerge from a phonetically-motivated operation.
The Relation Between Infinitival and Sentential Complements in Traditional Grammar
Author(s): Carlos Subirats-Rüggebergpp.: 81–93 (13)More LessTraditional grammar has usually studied sentential complementation in relation with infinitival complements. In general, the reduction of sentential complements Qu F to infinitival complements V-inf has been studied by traditional grammar in relation with the correference of the main and the subordinate sentences, and the semantic class to which the main verb belongs. On the contrary, Pelegrin 1826 sets the temporal marks of V-inf as central in the study of the relation between Qu F and Vinf.
Sur la Syntaxe du Recit Oral
Author(s): Jean-Pierre Sueurpp.: 95–148 (54)More LessThe aim of this article is to argue in favor of a grammar of oral narrative by examining a series of narratives related to the same topic and produced under similar conditions. We will first present a frequency grammar drawn from the systematic study of correlations between various syntactic and enunciative facts. We will then present a sequential grammar which analyses the distribution in the linear arrangement of the narrative of the different types of regularities previously described. These facts will show the relevance of studying frequencies and the importance of taking into account the situations of enunciation in setting up a grammar of oral narrative. Such a grammar cannot be a mere variant of the general grammar of a given language, based on the description of the standard written language.
On Some Comparative Frozen Sentences in Italian
Author(s): Simona Vietripp.: 149–174 (26)More LessThis article describes the italian set of expressions that share the structure N0 essere Agg come C1 (N0 be Adj as C1). These forms are represented in a matrix table named PECO. The study of such idiomatic sentences is regarded as an interesting starting point for the analysis of free comparative sentences.
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