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- Volume 17, Issue, 1993
Lingvisticæ Investigationes - Volume 17, Issue 1, 1993
Volume 17, Issue 1, 1993
La Maniere D'orthographier en la Langue Françoyse Traité de 1556
Author(s): Maria Colombo Timellipp.: 1–34 (34)More LessThe Dictionarius of Noël de Berlaimont, first published in Antwerp in 1530, had about 150 editions in over two centuries. It is a composite work consisting of two parts: a first section contains dialogues, examples of business letters and prayers; the second section is a bi- or plurilingual word-list, according to the different editions.A few editions published in Flanders between 1556 and 1558 also include a short treatise on French orthography whose edition is here presented.The interest of this work lies not only in the date of its compilation, but in the remarks on some persisting difficulties and incongruities of the French orthographic system.
Anaphore Associative, Pontage et Stéréotypie
Author(s): Georges Kleiberpp.: 35–82 (48)More LessOne of the central questions that any description of associative anaphor (Nous arrivâmes dans un village. L'église était située sur une hauteur) implies is that of the role which stereotypic knowledge plays in its establishment. There are two conflicting answers. One maintains that the associative relation is of semantic or a priori order. The other, on the contrary, asserts that cognition and discourse are responsible for such anaphoric connections. The aim of this paper is to show that, despite their attractive power, the arguments and examples invoked by the second one, are not sufficient to finally carry the day: associative anaphors works with stereotyps.
Réduction de Complétive à un Nom et Article Défini Générique
Author(s): Mehryar Mohripp.: 83–97 (15)More LessThe description of the conditions under which generic definite articles appear in the sentences of French is a real issue. We present here a simple syntactic rule, based on the theory of support verbs (Z. Harris 1968, M. Gross 1975), which accounts for the appearance of these articles in a particular set of sentences. In these sentences, the generic article is followed by a noun which can be associated with a support verb, and be replaced by a sentential complement of the type que S (that S).We first briefly describe a transformation which relates this sentential complement to its reduced form of simple noun. We then indicate a rule which consists in erasing the preposition de while applying this transformation. Various examples of sentences are shown in order to illustrate the wide range of application of the proposed rule. We also extend this rule to the case of sentences in which a generic definite article precedes a noun non linked with a support verb, and discuss the additional conditions required.
Une Classification Formelle des Adjectifs Psychologiques en Coreen
Author(s): Nam Jee-Sunpp.: 99–140 (42)More LessIn this work, we have tried to describe a set of adjectives which includes a large majority of those adjectives semantically termed psychological, by making use of the following syntactic relation:(Qu P)0 N1-e Ad) [(Qu P)0 be Adj Prep N1]= N1 (Qu P)0-fo Adj N1be Adj Prep (Qu P)0]We discuss most particularly: the construction in which the complement clause can be replaced by a noun phrase, possibly containing the reflexive pronoun caki; the construction with a double N-i, the one described most frequently in the literary tradition; and finally two related verbal constructions of the following type:N1 (Qu P)0-Acc Adf-6 Vop [N1 V(find) (Qu P)0 Adj°]= (Qu P)0 N1-Acc Adj1-ke Vop [(Qu P)0 V(make) N1 Adj1]Our formal criterion characterizes about 150 psychological adjectives that have a certain semantic and syntactic homogeneity : they all express "a feeling activated by the Qu P and felt by the Nhum". However, we observe another set of adjectives semantically close to the first which nevertheless do not accept the complement clause construction with -lo: we term them evaluative adjectives. One of the major differences between these two classes is the absence of causativity in the complement clause of the evaluative adjectives.The study of psychological adjectives should be extended by other studies, in particular studies of psychological verbs that have no morphological relationship to adjectives, and which are defined in turn by appropriate formal criteria.
Les Connecteurs du Français
Author(s): Mireille Piotpp.: 141–160 (20)More LessWe explore in this article the syntactic criteria used to classify most French connectors. We have defined three main classes:- the first main class contains subordinating conjunctions (Conjs) subdivided into eight subclasses corresponding to various syntactic-semantic properties;- the second main class contains coordinating conjunctions (Conjco);- the third main class contains coordinating adverbs (Advconj); several syntactic criteria have been used to divide this class into two major subclasses.The use of formal criteria has allowed us to classify connectors on a more precise basis; one consequence is that some connectors are not classified in their traditional classes.Our study has brought to light interesting linguistic phenomena such as new relations between several subordinating and coordinating conjunctions.
Les Fonctions Lexicales du Dictionnaire Explicatif et Combinatoire Pour L'étude de la Cohésion Lexicale
Author(s): Margarita Alonso Ramos and Agnès Tutinpp.: 161–188 (28)More LessIn this paper, we show that the Lexical Functions (LFs) of the Explanatory Combinatorial Dictionary are well suited for addressing some lexical questions in textual cohesion. We first describe LFs and divide them into two subsets: paradigmatic LFs and syntagmatic LFs. We show how paradigmatic LFs can be used to explain coreferential relations and definite descriptions.
Une Représentation par Automate Fini des Textes et des Propriétés Transformationnelles des Verbes
Author(s): Emmanuel Rochepp.: 189–222 (34)More LessWe propose here to use finite state automata to represent morphologically tagged sentences. This formalism is especially relevant for the tagging of the ambiguities: (i) morphological features ambiguities, (ii) part of speech ambiguities and (iii) compound vs. sequence of simple words ambiguities. Formal operations on automata can then be applied to recognize patterns that can be words or sequences of words specified with or without morphological features specifications (a masculine noun for instance). We then consider the part of the lexicon-grammar that specifies the argument structure of the verbs and show that it can be semi-automati-cally translated into the same formalism. We take advandtage of this to start a syntactic analysis.
La Référence Nominale et L'emploi de L'imperfectif Constatif dans les Questions Oui-Non et Wh- en Russe
Author(s): Svetlana Vogeleerpp.: 223–237 (15)More LessNoun's reference and the constative use of the imperfective aspect in yes-no and wh- questions in Russian.The present paper attempts to establish the general semantic restrictions on the constative use of the Russian imperfective aspect in yes-no and wh-questions. The main conclusion of the proposed analysis is that all cases of the constative use of the imperfective aspect in questions are submitted to the multiplicity of hypothetical occurrences restriction. This restriction makes the constative use of the imperfective possible only if the hypothetical situation described in the question can have more than one occurrence even if the question concerns only one of all possible occurrences. This restriction is imposed on the lexical content of the VP. Special attention is drawn to the cases where the VP contains a nominal expression, since the referential or non-referential content of the noun belonging to the VP appears to be the principal factor influencing the possibility of the constative use of the imperfective.
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