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Lingvisticæ Investigationes - Volume 19, Issue 2, 1995
Volume 19, Issue 2, 1995
Dictionnaire Bilingue, Syntaxe et Sémantique
Author(s): Brigitte Lépinettepp.: 225–245 (21)More LessWe have first shown that the conventional and theoretical lexicography has always had a semantic basis which does not permit homogeneous analysis of the items which constitute the entries. We present in this paper a model of bilingual dictionary whose fundamental principles are syntactical.This dictionary is an application of the methods of the Lexique-grammaire des langues romanes adapted to contrastive viewpoint. This contrastive aim implicates that we have to make specific analytic distinctions which we comment here.On the one hand, from a theoretical standpoint, this dictionary may help to establish suitable basis of systematic contrastive (French/Spanish) linguistics, and on the other, it is computerizable.
Comme, Genre et Style Postposés en Français du Québec: Une Étude Sémantique
Author(s): Gaétane Dostiepp.: 247–263 (17)More LessSUMMARYThis study first aims to show that the postposed use of comme, genre and style that has appeared in the last few years in the French spoken in Quebec illustrates a well known pattern, the possibility of moving to the end of statements lexical units that serve to express approximation and attenuation, and to introduce an example. Second, it proposes fine semantic descriptions for these uses and shows how they are linked to other uses that have comme, genre and style. Finally, it shows that this group of lexical units is semantically linked by a very general notion, the notion of 'resemblance'.RÉSUMÉEn premier lieu, cette étude vise à montrer que l'emploi postposé de comme, genre et style, qui est apparu depuis quelques années en français québécois, s'inscrit dans le cadre d'une démarche bien connue en français, à savoir la possibilité de déplacer vers la finale des énoncés les unités qui servent à faire une approximation et une atténuation, ainsi qu'à introduire un exemple. En second lieu, elle vise à proposer des descriptions sémantiques fines pour Ces emplois et à montrer comment ceux-ci sont liés à d'autres emplois que possèdent comme, genre et style. Enfin, elle vise à montrer que l'unité sémantique du groupe est assurée par une notion très générale, la notion de 'ressemblance'.
Les Vsup Issus du Latin Esse et Stare Dans les Langues Romanes
Author(s): Elisabete Ranchhodpp.: 265–288 (24)More LessThe aim of this paper is to outline a comparative study of the argument structure of verbs issued from latin esse and stare in the main Romance languages (¥x.\être\ It.: essere/stare; Pt. and Sp. : ser/estar).The complexity of the lexical and syntactic phenomena involved indicates that a systematic determination of the equivalence classes of those verbs as well as the study of the verbs that can operate on them has to be achieved in order to clarify linguistic facts, and to organize the data of the various languages on a formal basis.
Analyse Contrastive des Formes Être Prép X en Français et en Roumain
Author(s): Anda-Irina Rădulescupp.: 289–324 (36)More LessTaking as a starting point one of Maurice Gross' items on the constructions be Prep X, we have tried to maintain the same classes he established for French in Romanian and see what differences appear between these two Romance languages.The translation we offer was made word for word whenever that was possible; if not, we use the equivalent to preserve the sense.Opened to different applications, our work aims at finding various ways of converting and transmitting information in a foreign language, as well as serving as a basis for ulterior comparative studies enabling the future automatic translations by computers.
Une Classe de Constructions Adjectivales à Sujet-Complétive en Coréen
Author(s): Nam Jee-Sunpp.: 325–354 (30)More LessThe adjectives described in this paper are defined by the following syntactic relation:(1) a. [N1-Acc VR - ki]0Adj ([V-inf N1 W]0 be Adj)b.= (N1)0 [VR - ki], - i Adj ((N,)0 be Adj Prep [V-inf W])For example:[i This nunce problem -lîl Acc phul resolve -ki Sinf] -ka nmtf himtîl hard -ta St(To resolve this problem is hard)[i This nunce problem -nîn nmtf [phul resolve -ki Sinf] -ka Postp himtîl hard -ta St(This problem is hard to resolve)The relation (1) concerns some adjectival constructions which contain a sentential clause, reduced to an infinitive (i.e. the subject is deleted) and introduced by the suffix -ki. This infinitive is made up of an accusative complement and a transitive verb. We are interested in the syntactic relation between these two constructions, without supposing any transformational operations nor treating any changes of semantic and logical focus between each pair.The class of adjectives defined by the relation (1), codified as AP, includes about 320 items. It is contained in the classes of adjectives carac-terised by a subject-completive in our classification of Korean adjectives (about 5300 adjectives).
Vers la Constitution D'un Dictionnaire Électronique Des Noms Propres
Author(s): Denis Maurel, Benoît Leduc and Blandine Courtoispp.: 355–368 (14)More LessSUMMARYWithin the system of electronic dictionaries of the LADL, a database of proper nouns is necessary in order to retrieve them during automatic text analysis. The aim of this paper is to present two approaches to the elaboration of an electronic dictionary of geographic names. The first one consists of using those adjectives in the DELAS that refer to inhabitants of countries, cities, regions, etc., in order to generate the names of the corresponding locality; a systematic codification of gender and number is then introduced. The second approach is the creation of an electronic dictionary of names of French towns, organized as a structured database.RÉSUMÉDans le système de dictionnaires électroniques du LADL, un ensemble de noms propres est nécessaire pour pouvoir reconnaître de tels noms lors de l'analyse automatique de texte. L'objectif de cet article est de présenter deux approches d'élaboration d'un dictionnaire électronique de noms propres géographiques. La première consiste à utiliser les adjectifs du DELAS relatifs aux habitants de pays, villes, régions, etc., pour construire les noms de lieux correspondants ; une codification systématique en genre et nombre est ensuite introduite . La seconde approche a pour objet la création d'un dictionnaire électronique des noms de villes françaises, organisé en base de données structurées.
Variété des Marques Syntaxiques et Lexicales de L'aspect: Au Fil de N
Author(s): Christiane Marque-Pucheupp.: 369–385 (17)More LessRÉSUMÉGrâce à la mise en parallèle de phrases où interviennent des arguments de durée, les intuitions qui ont souvent guidé les linguistes dans la création de termes comme "duratif ' ou "répétitif peuvent être vérifiées. Nous avons dégagé ainsi un environnement spécifique à l'adverbe au fil de N et précisé la notion de verbe d'évolution.SUMMARYIntuitive concepts like "durative" or "repetitive" could be more precisely or more syntactically defined by comparing sentences with such adverbs. We describe here the very specific syntactic environment of the French adverb "au fil de N" and give an outline of the definition of verbs describing an evolution and a process.
Dictionnaire Syntaxique Électronique des Noms Prédicatifs de L'allemand
Author(s): Daniel Bressonpp.: 387–400 (14)More LessIn this paper, I describe the general organization of an electronic syntactic dictionary of predicative nouns in German currently being elaborated at the Université de Provence.In the first part, I review the various criteria used to define the class of nouns that either must or can occur predicatively in a sentence.In the second part, I describe the fields of the data-base that characterize the main syntactic and semantic properties of the sentences in which the nouns studied, with the help of a supporting verb, make up the predicate (the fields involved include determiners, supporting verbs, arguments, aspectual value, translation).
Constructions Nominales à Contraintes Fortes et Grammaires D'unification
Author(s): Benoît Habert and Christian Jacqueminpp.: 401–428 (28)More LessIrregular nominal compounds can be defined as noun phrases having a regular syntactic construction but having restrictions on their syntactic variations and specific semantic behaviours. The aim of our study is to bring to the fore some of the constraints which have to be taken into account for the realisation of a parser for non lexicalised nominal compounds. Therefore, two nominal compounds are studied from a linguistic standpoint. The first one verre à vin (wineglass) can be classified as a true compound noun although accepting several modifications. The second one verre de vin (glass of wine) is a compositional noun phrase although having idiosyncratic characters. The features drawn from the observation of variations and meaning construction of these two compounds are used to evaluate four unification formalisms in their ability to represent and parse precisely such sequences: PATR-II, Lexicalised Tree Adjoining Grammar, OLMES and Acceptability Controlled Grammar. The first two are general grammar formalisms whereas the last two are dedicated to idioms and compound parsing. The conclusions of this evaluation yield a set of principles which should govern the construction of a parser better suited for compound noun parsing and interpretation.
Formes Simples en 0-
Author(s): André Dugas, Yvette Yannick Mathieu and Blandine Courtoispp.: 429–441 (13)More LessThe linguistic fund, that is, the actual lexical inventory of a language, is always considerably larger than the sum total of the contents of dictionaries for that language. It corresponds to all the possibilities of derivation and compounding — with the associated word-formation rules. The exploitation of the latter within machine-readable dictionaries should therefore allow a far more accurate coverage of the linguistic fund, by generating thousands of additional entries, some being more or loss widely attested in their written form, some representing the set of virtual words generated by a productive rule that have not, for one reason or another, been recognized as existing words. Note that the boundary between the two subsets is not clearcut. The conditions which determine whether a generated form will belong to one or the other have not given rise to extensive studies, neither in linguistics nor in lexicology, in spite of their significance for a better understanding of lexical creativity and word-formation processes. The relevance of such phenomena seems to have been greatly underestimated — as is indicated by the fact that no studies have been fulfilled on the topic of words such as médico-légal and franco-québécois. We will demonstrate and illustrate for the French language the shortcomings of the simple compiling method and how ignoring them has led to unnecessary complications in the field of electronic lexicography.
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