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- Volume 37, Issue, 2014
Lingvisticæ Investigationes - Volume 37, Issue 1, 2014
Volume 37, Issue 1, 2014
Named entity recognition in Bengali using system combination
Author(s): Asif Ekbal and Sivaji Bandyopadhyaypp.: 1–22 (22)More LessThis paper reports a voted Named Entity Recognition (NER) system that exploits appropriate unlabeled data. Initially, we develop NER systems using the supervised machine learning algorithms such as Maximum Entropy (ME), Conditional Random Field (CRF) and Support Vector Machine (SVM). Each of these models makes use of the language independent features in the form of different contextual and orthographic word-level features along with the language dependent features extracted from the Part-of-Speech (POS) tagger and gazetteers. Context patterns generated from the unlabeled data using an active learning method are also used as the features in each of the classifiers. A semi-supervised method is proposed to describe the measures to automatically select effective unlabeled documents as well as sentences from the unlabeled data. Finally, the supervised models are combined together into a final system by defining appropriate weighted voting technique. Experimental results for a resource-poor language like Bengali show the effectiveness of the proposed approach with the overall recall, precision and F-measure values of 93.81%, 92.18% and 92.98%, respectively.
Étude diachronique des prépositions latines ad et de
Author(s): Hamida Trabelsipp.: 23–68 (46)More LessWe are interested in this work to describe the semantic and syntactic evolution of the two Latin prepositions ad and de thanks to some concepts that underpin the theory of grammaticalization. To do this, we chose a body formed of two different states of language, namely the classical period through the examination of examples from the Divisions of Public Speaking and the Topics of Cicero and the Christian period through examples from the Apology of Tertullian. We found that the use of these prepositions is a trend that is growing increasingly and is consistent with the tendency to restrict the role of the time. This development, which results in the transformation of the typology of the Latin language of a typology typology synthetic and analytical language, and moving to the novel type we see today.
The construction of an annotated corpus for the analysis of Italian transfer predicates
Author(s): Simonetta Vietripp.: 69–105 (37)More LessI have presented in this paper some research carried out with the help of the electronic dictionaries and grammars that I built for the automatically recognition and annotation of Italian transfer predicates with a software called NooJ. The analysis of the nominal and verbal dative constructions has been carried out on the basis of the lexicon-grammar classification of Italian verbs, focusing on the various constructions produced by the application of transformations. Furthermore, particular attention has been given to the ambiguity of some dative nominal sequences. I have proposed a hypothesis that accounts for the fact that these structures, though in principle ambiguous, usually have a preferential reading, due to the adjacency of the complements. This hypothesis has been verified by applying the electronic dictionaries and grammars to an Italian corpus and the results drawn up with the automatic corpus analysis show that the most frequent dative constructions are those involving only the object. Finally, the results of this research have been compared to those drawn up by T. De Mauro (1965) in his study on the dative in classical Greek. Both results not only confirm the linguistic intuition on the preferred vs. the non-preferred interpretation, but also show the discrepancy between the theoretical dative constructions and the real usage.
Identifying Bengali Multiword Expressions using semantic clustering
Author(s): Tanmoy Chakraborty, Dipankar Das and Sivaji Bandyopadhyaypp.: 106–128 (23)More LessRETRACTION NOTICE. 28 Oct. 2019: This article is retracted at the request of the authors, who became aware that the dataset they crawled from https://rabindra-rachanabali.nltr.org/ was owned by SNLTR and under copyright, and had been used without permission. Once aware of this, the authors have not been able to obtain the appropriate permissions.
One of the key issues in both natural language understanding and generation is the appropriate processing of Multiword Expressions (MWEs). MWEs pose a huge problem to the precise language processing due to their idiosyncratic nature and diversity in lexical, syntactical and semantic properties. The semantics of a MWE cannot be expressed after combining the semantics of its constituents. Therefore, the formalism of semantic clustering is often viewed as an instrument for extracting MWEs especially for resource constraint languages like Bengali. The present semantic clustering approach contributes to locate clusters of the synonymous noun tokens present in the document. These clusters in turn help measure the similarity between the constituent words of a potentially candidate phrase using a vector space model and judge the suitability of this phrase to be a MWE. In this experiment, we apply the semantic clustering approach for noun-noun bigram MWEs, though it can be extended to any types of MWEs. In parallel, the well known statistical models, namely Point-wise Mutual Information (PMI), Log Likelihood Ratio (LLR), Significance function are also employed to extract MWEs from the Bengali corpus. The comparative evaluation shows that the semantic clustering approach outperforms all other competing statistical models. As a byproduct of this experiment, we have started developing a standard lexicon in Bengali that serves as a productive Bengali linguistic thesaurus.
Aspect de dicto et structuration informationnelle dans les textes
Author(s): Véronique Lenepveupp.: 129–155 (27)More LessThis paper follows a series of works concerning a semantic and pragmatic analysis of the french locution à première vue (lit. “at first sight”) when it is employed in contrast with expressions which signal an evolution of the judgment of the speaker (à y regarder de plus près, tout bien considéré, …) (Véronique Lenepveu, 2010, 2011, 2012; Véronique Lenepveu & Laurent Gosselin, 2013). At first, through the analysis of real examples and of their typical context, it is shown that all these locutions express a de dicto aspectual value, by selecting a phase of an enonciative process which consists in taking in consideration a situation in order to formulate a more or less settled judgment. Then, we show it is necessary to take into account de dicto aspectual value of these locutions in order to describe information structure of discourse patterns identified (Michel Charolles, 1997; William C. Mann & Sandy A. Thompson, 1988; Maité Taboada & William C. Mann, 2006).
Le prédicat résultatif adjectival en français médiéval
Author(s): Michelle Troberg and Heather Burnettpp.: 156–180 (25)More LessThe goal of this article is to show that adjectival resultative secondary predication was a syntactic possibility in Medieval French. From a diachronic point of view, the presence of this construction is surprising given that it is attested neither in Latin nor in Modern French. From a typological point of view, the presence of adjectival resultative secondary predicates in Old French is somewhat expected given the presence of other resultative secondary predication constructions during that period. This study takes a predominantly descriptive point of view with the aim of contributing to our knowledge of this stage of the French language and its evolution with respect to other languages.
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