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Lingvisticæ Investigationes - Volume 38, Issue 1, 2015
Volume 38, Issue 1, 2015
Latin vulgaire, latin familier: Quelques aspects d’une distinction parfois difficile à saisir
Author(s): Vojin Nedeljkovićpp.: 1–12 (12)More LessThe author examines the scope and interrelation of two traditional notions concerning non-literary Latin: sermo uulgaris, or plebeius, and sermo familiaris, or cotidianus. While these are really disparate terms, the one designating a sociolect and the other a language register, the author maintains that the old confusion between Colloquial and Vulgar Latin is not merely due to flawed reasoning within an insufficient model of linguistic variation, but rather reflects a fundamental development that took place in the social history of Latin.
Proverbe, transposabilité et forme forte
Author(s): Philippe Gréapp.: 13–72 (60)More LessHow do speakers tease apart a simple generic sentence (les instituteurs ne gagnent pas beaucoup d’argent “school teachers do not make much money”) and a proverb (les cordonniers sont les plus mal chaussés, “shoemakers are always the worst shod”, eng. The cobbler’s children go barefoot)? From a formal viewpoint, these two utterance types are very close. Yet, only the latter is used in fields other than shoemaking. I account for this property, which I call ‘transposability’, by means of the following hypothesis, which also applies to proverbs and semantically transparent fixed expressions: a proverb correspond to a semantic form that consisting of a few semantic features organized as a semantic network. I adopt Sowa’s (1984) formalism and represent this network as a semic molecule (Rastier, 1989). To explain the transposability of the molecule, I use a notion from Gestaltheorie, namely the ‘strong form’. A proverb is freely transposable providing it lexicalizes a strong form, the strong form being a molecule with a high degree of internal coherence. Semantically speaking, I show that this coherence is a factor of both (a) an inherent or socially normed relational architecture and (b) an articulation without rests.
The Ontological Semantic treatment of multiword expressions
Author(s): Marjorie McShane, Sergei Nirenburg and Stephen Bealepp.: 73–110 (38)More LessThis paper describes, and presents a formal evaluation of, the Ontological Semantic approach to automatically analyzing multiword expressions. It shows how multiword expressions can be lexically recorded and processed in the same way as compositional argument-taking words. It suggests that the component modeling strategies are psychologically plausible and hold promise for supporting the development of sophisticated, language-endowed intelligent agents.
Les prédicats Prep N figés adjectivaux et adverbiaux
Author(s): Agnieszka K. Kaliskapp.: 111–132 (22)More LessThe purpose of this article is to consider syntactic and semantic properties of frozen predicates Prep N in Polish, which may express either a state or a property of the subject. Some of them correspond to adjectival interrogative pronouns, while others correspond rather to an adverbial interrogation. We discuss to what extent these and other syntactic features reflect the notional features, defined as a property or as a state and if they justify the division between the adjectival Prep N and the adverbial Prep N. Our analysis is based on Polish data but it also contains references to other languages: French, Korean, English. More general issues are also discussed in this paper: identification of the categories called parts of speech and transfer between categories (noun vs. adjective vs. adverbe).
Sémantique des énoncés itératifs: Une approche formelle
Author(s): Patrice Enjalbertpp.: 133–182 (50)More LessThis article is about the semantics of iterative statements, expressing repetition in time of a type-eventuality. With these statements are associated frequency properties, quantified by iterative adverbs (often, sometimes, sporadically, n times out of p…). Our purpose is to design a formal representation, with a method allowing to compute it from the text. The interpretation of an iterative statement closely relies on its information structure so that we first study precisely the topic-focus partition for a significant range of configurations. In the formal model, the occurrences of iterative eventualities or circumstants are represented by sequences of intervals. The temporal semantic of a sentence is then formalised as an instanciation of generic formulas using two types of generalised quantifiers.
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