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- Volume 38, Issue, 2015
Lingvisticæ Investigationes - Volume 38, Issue 2, 2015
Volume 38, Issue 2, 2015
Phraseology for humor in Spanish: Types, functions and discourses
Author(s): Leonor Ruiz Gurillopp.: 191–212 (22)More LessThe aim of this paper is to propose a phraseological approach to humor in Spanish. Phraseological units will be analyzed as markers or indicators in accordance with a revised General Theory of Verbal Humor (Ruiz-Gurillo, 2012, 2013). A marker is a linguistic element which helps to understand humor; instead, an indicator is a per se humorous element. Thus, discursive marker idioms can be used as markers that infringe the prerequisite of Quality (Levinson, 2000; Rodríguez-Rosique, 2013), whereas routine formulas, specific utterances, phraseological schematas, etc., could behave as indicators. These phraseological indicators have to do not only with the infringement of the Manner Principle but also with that of the Informativity principle. En serio and es broma are analyzed as phraseological markers of humor. Routine formulas such as tus nietos no te olvidan, ¿¡qué vamos a hacer!?, ¡que me parta un rayo!, ¡me la suda! or ¡que os den!, specific utterances such as no somos nadie, el roce hace el cariño, idioms such as a buenas horas and phraseological schematas such as ni columna ni columno are proposed as phraseological indicators. Our corpus contains humorous monologues and parodies.
Les parémies et leurs variantes intergénérationnelles
Author(s): Julia Sevilla Muñozpp.: 213–228 (16)More LessParemiological researches provide new and continuous interesting data for both the scientific and the speakers’ community. In spite of the numerous aspects that have already been studied, there are still many others left to be researched, such as the variations. For this reason, this work analyses the intergenerational variants of paremies, particularly the formal variation of folk paremies utilized by two different generations within the same family. The results obtained will enable a more complete systematisation in the field of linguistic heritage, a better understanding of the current situation of this type of paremies, and, at the same time, they will contribute to design more efficient tasks for the teaching and learning of paremies in the classroom of Spanish language.
Translating English verbal collocations into Spanish: On distribution and other relevant differences related to diatopic variation
Author(s): Gloria Corpaspp.: 229–262 (34)More LessLanguage varieties should be taken into account in order to enhance fluency and naturalness of translated texts. In this paper we will examine the collocational verbal range for prima-facie translation equivalents of words like decision and dilemma, which in both languages denote the act or process of reaching a resolution after consideration, resolving a question or deciding something. We will be mainly concerned with diatopic variation in Spanish. To this end, we set out to develop a giga-token corpus-based protocol which includes a detailed and reproducible methodology sufficient to detect collocational peculiarities of transnational languages. To our knowledge, this is one of the first observational studies of this kind. The paper is organised as follows. Section 1 introduces some basic issues about the translation of collocations against the background of languages’ anisomorphism. Section 2 provides a feature characterisation of collocations. Section 3 deals with the choice of corpora, corpus tools, nodes and patterns. Section 4 covers the automatic retrieval of the selected verb + noun (object) collocations in general Spanish and the co-existing national varieties. Special attention is paid to comparative results in terms of similarities and mismatches. Section 5 presents conclusions and outlines avenues of further research.
Variation diatopique des pragmatèmes en espagnol
Author(s): Xavier Blancopp.: 263–275 (13)More LessFirst, we define the concept of pragmateme as a formula (prototypically multilexical and semantically compositional) restricted in his signified by the communication situation in which it is produced. Then, we briefly describe our dictionary of Spanish pragmatemes and, finally, we present pragmatemes variants in Spanish of the Río de la Plata, Mexico and Colombia. We observe a huge diversity that ask for specific lexicographical descriptions.
La variation dans les Constructions Verbales Figées de l’espagnol d’Amérique
Author(s): Pedro Mogorrón Huertapp.: 276–300 (25)More LessTraditionally, research papers on fixed expressions emphasize the fact that those sequences are fixed compared to constructions with free components. After one study which was carried out in 2010 through which we were able to prove that a considerable number of verbal fixed expressions in common Peninsular Spanish allow changes in some of their components without causing a change in the meaning and maintaining their fixed state, in this paper we analyze verbal fixed expressions in the Latin American Spanish variety. This analysis allows us to observe the modes of variation in the Latin American Spanish verbal fixed expressions (paradigm, lexic, morphology, grammar) by following the same patterns and syntactic structures as in common Penninsular Spanish which we find in the case of diatopic expressions formed in the verbal fixed expressions of common Penninsular Spanish as well as in new diatopic verbal fixed expressions. The fact that there are so many verbal fixed expressions in the Latin American Spanish variety and also that this number will only increase in the near future reinforces the idea that we should create very complete data bases.
Unité et diversité des expressions figées en espagnol: Le cas du Pérou
Author(s): Julio Calvo Pérezpp.: 301–312 (12)More LessThe purpose of this paper is to establish practical ways of comparing complex structures of two different Spanish dialects, in this case the Peruvian and Peninsular dialects. Fixed locutions may have either common elements in the extension and / or the support element or be totally different. In this last case, the researcher resorts to content similarities as total or partial synonyms of their elements, etc. Finally, we would stress the general lexicographical difficulties arising from intralinguistic false friends or exclusive words of both dialects.
Phraseological features in conversational routines: An integrative model of autonomy
Author(s): M. Belén Alvarado Ortegapp.: 313–330 (18)More LessThis paper deals with the analysis of routine formulas according to their degree of independence in discourse, with the aim of establishing a gradual line which restructures Sphere III (Corpas 1996, Alvarado 2015) — where phraseological utterances belong. The system developed by Briz and the Val.Es.Co. Group (2003, 2014) will help us segment conversation and check that phraseological utterances show various degrees of independence, both in Peninsular Spanish and in Latin American Spanish, which will make it possible to restructure Sphere III. The methodology utilized corresponds to the phraseological and pragmatic approach, and the examples were extracted from the Corpus de Conversaciones Coloquiales of Briz and the Val.Es.Co. Group (2002), and from the Corpus Preseea (2014).
Les mexicanismes entre variante et langue: L’importance de la phraséologie
Author(s): Luis Meneses-Lerínpp.: 331–347 (17)More LessIn this article, we will demonstrate that the phraseology plays a major role in creating Mexicanisms. We will present in the first place two lexicological works which take positions on Mexican Spanish’s status: “variation” or “language” in its own right. Then, we will demonstrate that most of mexicanisms are in a zone which includes the phraseology. We will show at the end that the mechanism of frozenness lies behind the Mexicanisms’ creation. The prototype Diccionario de contextos de uso de fraseologismos that we will present will allow us to study the morphosyntactic, syntactico-semantic and pragmatic characteristics of the phraseological unities.
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