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- Volume 7, Issue, 1983
Lingvisticæ Investigationes - Volume 7, Issue 2, 1983
Volume 7, Issue 2, 1983
Automatic Transcription of French Stenotypy
Author(s): Anne-Marie Derouault, Bernard Merialdo and Jean-Luc Stehlepp.: 209–219 (11)More LessA.-M. Derouault, B. Marialdo, J.-L. Stehle: automatic transcription of French stenotypy:This is the description of an automatic transcription system. It takes in account, by using a Markov model, the probability for a given sequence of words to be produced.
Considérations Sémantiques Et Pragmatiques: La Transparence Dans Le Discours Indirect
Author(s): Danielle Forgetpp.: 221–236 (16)More LessDanielle Forget: Semantical and pragmatical aspects of transparency in indirect discourse.It is argued that indirect discourse cannot be characterized only by a "neutral syntax" and a semantical opacity. A sentence constructed with an indirect speech is part of the reporter's discourse, which allows an interpretation of its referential frame. Moreover, we found that there are linguistic contexts which lead to a transparent interpretation of a sentence containing an indirect discourse: the reporter does not only retransmit but at the same time involve himself towards the truth of the proposition or part of it.
Verbes Supports Et Opérateurs Dans Les Constructions En A Voir à Un Ou Deux Compléments
Author(s): Jacques Labellepp.: 237–260 (24)More LessMany studies are available on the relationship between verbs and the substantives derived from them by nominalization. The concept of support-verb may lead to a redefinition of the notions of predicate and argument.This study is an extension of such an approach, where the substantives involved in certain avoir constructions are not morphologically related to a verb.The systematic description and classification of those substantives takes into account the types of complements they accept (especially locative) and their presence in other constructions, such as those with verb être.
Étude Descriptive D'Énoncés Du Type De "Ça / Les Féministes Protestent"
Author(s): Pierre Leratpp.: 261–270 (10)More LessPierre Lerat: descriptive study of utterances like Ça, les féministes protestentThe structure considered (NP, S) is a particuliar (oral) case of dislocation (see J. Deulofeu 1977 and 1979).This article draws attention to two semantic properties of utterances such as Ça, les féministes protestent:1) NP refers to a definite referential object (deictic, anaphoric, proper name, definite description);2) the typical interpretation of the structure is "concerning NP".
Les Comparatives Du Français Et La Négation
Author(s): Claude Mullerpp.: 271–316 (46)More LessThe aim of this paper is to describe the French comparative que-construc-tions. There are two kinds of que-comparatives, depending on the category of the complement: a quantifier or related term, on the one hand; on the other, a sentence (with or without deleted terms) containing an obligatorily empty constituent, correlated to the comparative adverb.It is argued that propositional comparatives do not derive from non-propositional ones (quantifier complements containing a relative clause). We then examine the rather surprising properties of the propositional comparatives of inequality, involving negation. It is shown that these properties are linked to an inversion of the referential relation (the inverse of that in comparatives of equality), which results from the "negative" meaning of the comparative adverb (but not directly, as we see from après vs avant). The occurrence of the negative particle ne is a result of this (and also its absence after après).This involves a more general property. There are words which can be interpreted as containing a dependent negation, as if the governing term were an unmarked and positive term, which commands a negated clause. This lexical/syntactic ambiguity uses the two-terms negation of French: thus, the absence of the negation pas is a sign of the non-autonomous occurrence of ne in all these constructions.
On the Support Verbs Ser and Estar in Portuguese
Author(s): Elisabete Ranchhodpp.: 317–353 (37)More LessThe description of the distributions of the two auxiliaries ser and estar in Portuguese constitutes a longstanding problem which has been usually dealt with by semantic methods.In this study, we propose a syntactic approach based on the notion of support verb, that is, on a notion of an auxiliary verb that supports a noun which is considered to be the main predicative element. The nouns can be derived from a verb or an adjective, in which case the support verb is a central element in a nominalization transformation. The nouns can also be stand-alone nouns.We propose here a systematic classification for these nouns.
Sémantique Et/Ou Roman Feuilleton? Sur Un Style D'Analyse Sémantique Qui Semble à La Mode Aujourd'Hui
Author(s): Jean Molinopp.: 401–422 (22)More LessSemantics and/or Serial About a Style in Semantic Analysis that Seems to be Fashionable Nowadays.In a chapter of his book Les Mots du Discours, O. Ducrot propounds an analysis of the French adverb décidément that seems to us typical of semantics and pragmatics in France nowadays. The detailed discussion of this analysis brings out the difficulties that originate from the author's method; he wants to reconstruct, with comments of a literary and psychological kind, "movements of thought" which is impossible to bear out or invalidate. And these reconstructions come from a conception of linguistics which is based on questionable principles: isomorphism of the signifier and the signified, epistemological irresponsibility, failure to recognize the methods appropriate to linguistics, diachronic and synchronic invariability. In conclusion, there is no magic formula that is likely to explain the meaning of a word, but only differing uses we must try to arrange in homogeneous classes.
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