Pragmatics & Cognition

<p><em>Pragmatics & Cognition</em> is an interdisciplinary journal seeking to bring together such disciplines as linguistics, semiotics, cognitive science, neuroscience, artificial intelligence, philosophy, ethology, and cognitive anthropology, among others.</p><p>The journal seeks to explore relations of all sorts between semiotic systems as used by humans, as well as animals and machines, in connection with mental activities: meaning in context and its cognitive and neurological substrates; condition of acquisition of communicative abilities, development of loss; modeling, simulation of formalization; shared or separate biological and neurological bases; social and cultural variation; historical development; etc.</p><p><em>Pragmatics & Cognition</em>’s basic assumption is that the proper understanding of communication, mental activity and interpersonal relations requires an intensive and thoughtful exchange of views across disciplines.</p>
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