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Sign Language & Linguistics - Current Issue
Volume 27, Issue 2, 2024
Doubling in Hong Kong Sign Language
Author(s): Emily Koenderspp.: 137–167 (31)More LessAbstractThe present paper provides a copy-movement analysis for doubling in Hong Kong Sign Language (HKSL). HKSL allows for the doubling of heads and phrases in an XYX pattern with the doubled element occurring clause-finally. I argue that doubled elements undergo A’-movement into Spec,FocP, attracted by a focus-feature on Foc0. The moved element then fuses with the abstract focus feature head of FocP and becomes morphologically distinct from the lower element. This research provides a uniform account of two related phenomena, namely doubling and right dislocation, by considering head-to-spec movement. Finally, doubling in HKSL has not been previously described, and therefore my account adds to the typological picture of doubling in sign and spoken languages. This is especially important because HKSL allows for the doubling of both heads and phrases, which sets it apart from earlier accounts on doubling in other sign languages.
Exploring positional and dimensional aspects of topographic space for advanced-level British Sign Language learners
Author(s): Nicola Nunnpp.: 168–208 (41)More LessAbstractThis study investigates how British Sign Language (BSL) learners develop positional and dimensional aspects of topographic space. The teaching of BSL has been occurring at an increasing rate, and many people are learning to use BSL to the advanced levels, which are generally referred to in the UK as BSL Levels 4 and 6 and are loosely equivalent to pre-C1 (advanced) and C1 (proficient), respectively, on the Common European Framework for Reference (Languages) scale. Spatial grammar is a crucial aspect of BSL (Brennan 1992), and this article provides insight into issues related to learning how to use topographic space, a feature of spatial grammar whereby real-world referent locations are replicated in the signing production. This study of L2 advanced learners of BSL explores the numbers and types of errors that are made when applying topographic features into their signing, with a particular focus on positioning and dimensionality aspects. Two scenarios are used do this: classroom layouts (Task 1) and a courtroom layout (Task 2). The study concludes with reflections on how BSL teachers can support L2 learners in improving their development of topographic skills.
Syntax and semantics of Role Shift in Japanese Sign Language
Author(s): Noriko Kawasakipp.: 209–239 (31)More LessAbstractThis article argues that Role Shift in Japanese Sign Language involves a mechanism that is different in two respects from indexical shift observed in some spoken languages. First, its domain is not a clausal domain (CP or IP), but the thematic (propositional) domain, in which thematic roles are assigned. Second, what is shifted by this mechanism is not indexicals, but the objective Point-of-View from which the reported event is perceived. These characteristics apply to both Action Role Shift and Quotational Role Shift. It is claimed that Quotational Role Shift is a subcase of Action Role Shift where the thematic domain contains a predicate of propositional attitude. The attitude predicate takes a CP complement which in turn contains another operator. This second operator is the same as that found in some spoken languages, and it shifts the context for the interpretation of indexicals. The proposed analysis thus employs two types of operators, one taking the thematic domain as its scope and the other operating on the clausal domain. The analysis can be extended to account for crosslinguistic variation reported on the shifted interpretation of locative/temporal expressions in sign languages.
Review of Fenlon & Hochgesang (2022): Signed language corpora
Author(s): Anna Kuderpp.: 270–282 (13)More LessThis article reviews Signed language corpora
Volumes & issues
Volume 27 (2024)
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Volume 23 (2020)
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Rethinking constructed action
Author(s): Kearsy Cormier, Sandra Smith and Zed Sevcikova-Sehyr
The ASL lexicon
Author(s): Carol A. Padden
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