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- Volume 3, Issue 2, 1991
Target. International Journal of Translation Studies - Volume 3, Issue 2, 1991
Volume 3, Issue 2, 1991
A False Opposition in Translation Studies
Author(s): Dirk Delabastitapp.: 137–152 (16)More LessAbstractAfter some preliminary notes on the fragmented state of Translation Studies, the author directs his attention to one of the seemingly irreconcilable oppositions within the discipline, namely, between "theoretical" and "historical" approaches to translation. On the basis of insights from modern epistemology it is claimed that the two are, in fact, complementary and that one should aim for a continuous interplay between them. Normative approaches fail to achieve this and prove to have little explanatory power when confronted with the historical reality of translation. Four discursive strategies are discussed whereby this anomaly is often camouflaged or explained away.
Methodological Aspects of Interpretation (and Translation) Research
Author(s): Daniel Gilepp.: 153–174 (22)More LessAbstractVery little actual scientific research has been carried out in I/T to date, essentially because of the lack of scientific background among I/T investigators. Major problems are found in the sampling procedures, materials, experimental conditions and tasks, quantification procedures and conclusion-drawing logic. In order to foster I/T research, methodological research training could be given to investigators, and interdisciplinary contacts and networking should be promoted. The input of I/T practitioners to I/T research can be valuable in spite of their lack of training provided they use simple methods and are supervised appropriately. Non I/T practitioners should work with practitioners.
Names and Their Substitutes
Author(s): Sheila Embletonpp.: 175–206 (32)More LessAbstractThe Astérix comic-book series, originally in French, is well-known and widely translated. Each book relates an adventurous episode in which the principal character is Astérix, a small, witty warrior from a fictional Gaulish village, the only village to have successfully resisted the Roman occupation. The series relies on many humorous techniques, but word-play and puns form an integral part. Much humour derives from the names used, combining various comic effects, particularly puns and double entendres. Thus the translator faces not only the usual problems in translating literary names, but also the problem of retaining these comic effects. This paper examines these problems and their solutions, based on a complete collection of name data from all 30 books in 4 languages (French original; English, German, Finnish translations), with numerous references to translations into other languages.
Two Traditions of Translating Early Irish Literature
Author(s): Maria Tymoczkopp.: 207–224 (18)More LessAbstractIn the translation of early Irish materials into English there are two translation traditions, a scholarly and a literary one, diverging markedly in their practices and norms. The effects of the Macpherson controversy, Irish nationalism, and the Irish language movement in defining and polarizing these translation traditions are explored. In historical poetics, analysis must allow for the ways in which historical circumstances may produce a translation system, internally differentiated itself, such that investigation of a part of the translation system will not necessarily be predictive or reflective of the whole.
Institutional Transmission and Literary Translation
Author(s): Klaus Martenspp.: 225–241 (17)More LessAbstractIf target texts should be accorded the same amount of serious critical attention usually reserved for source-side literature, increased study of the institutional forces instrumental in its production and mediation is necessary. Such study, to be of documentary value, could be conducted empirically on a case-by-case basis in order to uncover pre-textual elements as, among others, legal and socio-economic issues, in-house rules, publisher-translator relations, and the often rhizomatic personal constellations formative in the constitution of the translated text. The sample case chosen is meant to open further discussion of the issues involved.
Nord, Christiane. 1988. Textanalyse und Übersetzen. Theoretische Grundlagen, Methode und didaktische Anwendung einer übersetzungsrelevanten Textanalyse.
Author(s): Werner Kollerpp.: 243–247 (5)More LessThis article reviews Textanalyse und Übersetzen. Theoretische Grundlagen, Methode und didaktische Anwendung einer übersetzungsrelevanten Textanalyse. by Christiane Nord
Rener, Frederick M. 1989. Interpretatio: Language and Translation from Cicero to Tytler
Author(s): Antoine Bermanpp.: 247–249 (3)More LessThis article reviews Interpretatio: Language and Translation from Cicero to Tytler by Frederick M. Rener
Krawutschke, Peter W., ed. 1989. Translator and Interpreter Training and Foreign Language Pedagogy. & Delisle, Jean. 1988. Translation: An Interpretive Approach & Tirkkonen-Condit, Sonja & Stephen Condit, eds. 1989. Empirical Studies in Translation and Linguistics
Author(s): Miriam Shlesingerpp.: 249–253 (5)More LessThis article reviews Translator and Interpreter Training and Foreign Language PedagogyTranslation: An Interpretive ApproachEmpirical Studies in Translation and Linguistics by Peter W. Krawutschke, Sonja Tirkkonen-Condit, Stephen Condit
Snell-Hornby, Mary & Esther Pöhl, eds. 1989. Translation and Lexicography: Papers read at the EURALEX Colloquium held at Innsbruck 2-5 July 1987
Author(s): Guy A.J. Topspp.: 254–259 (6)More LessThis article reviews Translation and Lexicography: Papers read at the EURALEX Colloquium held at Innsbruck 2-5 July 1987 by Mary Snell-Hornby, Esther Pöhl
Westerweel, Bart & Theo D'haen, eds. 1990. Something Understood: Studies in Anglo-Dutch Translation
Author(s): Dirk Delabastitapp.: 261–262 (2)More LessThis article reviews Something Understood: Studies in Anglo-Dutch Translation by Bart Westerweel, Theo D'haen
Salama-Carr, Myriam. 1990. La traduction à l'époque abbasside. L'école de Hunayn Ibn Ishâq et son importance pour la traduction
Author(s): Michel Ballardpp.: 262–264 (3)More LessThis article reviews La traduction à l'époque abbasside. L'école de Hunayn Ibn Ishâq et son importance pour la traduction by Myriam Salama-Carr
Kątny, Andrzej, Hrsg. 1990. Studien zur kontrastiven Linguistik und literarischen Übersetzung
Author(s): Gerd Freidhofpp.: 264–266 (3)More LessThis article reviews Studien zur kontrastiven Linguistik und literarischen Übersetzung by Andrzej Kątny
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