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- Volume 15, Issue, 2009
Terminology. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Issues in Specialized Communication - Volume 15, Issue 2, 2009
Volume 15, Issue 2, 2009
Acceptance of terminology sanctioned by the Turkish Language Society: A study of the use of economic terms in Turkish newspapers
Author(s): Erkan Karabacakpp.: 145–178 (34)More LessThis corpus-based study investigated the levels at which Turkish newspaper writers have accepted economic terms that were made official by the Turkish Language Society (TDK) between the years 1995 and 1998 in its attempt to purge Turkish of European and English economic terms. The study found that writers used loan terms more frequently than the official terms in their newspaper articles. In an additional survey, writers reported a need for planning for the use of economic terms in Turkish. This study contributes to terminology and language planning attempts in Turkey and elsewhere, such as efforts to invent more acceptable terms and to find efficient ways of implementing their use.
Managing graphic information in terminological knowledge bases
Author(s): Juan Antonio Prieto-Velasco and Clara I. López-Rodríguezpp.: 179–213 (35)More LessThe cognitive shift in Linguistics has affected the way linguists, lexicographers and terminologists understand and describe specialized language, and the way they represent scientific and technical concepts. The representation of terminological knowledge, as part of our encyclopaedic knowledge about the world, is crucial in multimedia terminological knowledge bases, where different media coexist to enhance the multidimensional character of knowledge representations. However, so far little attention has been paid in Terminology and Linguistics to graphic information, including visual resources and pictorial material. Frame-based Terminology (Faber et al. 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008) advocates a multimodal conceptual description in which the structured information in terminographic definitions meshes with visual information for a better understanding of specialized concepts. In this article, we explore the relationship between visual and textual information, and search for a principled way to select images that best represent the linguistic, conceptual and contextual information contained in terminological knowledge bases, in order to contribute to a better transfer of specialized knowledge.
Rechtstexte übersetzen — leicht gemacht?: Oder: Wie schnell kann man sich beim Übersetzen juristischer Texte verlaufen
Author(s): Ada Gruntar Jermolpp.: 214–231 (18)More LessThe purpose of the paper is twofold: firstly, it analyses the most frequent problems in the translation of legal texts encountered by the university-level students of translation doing the course “The translation of legal texts” and, secondly, it describes the solutions applied. A fundamental difficulty in the translation of legal texts concerns the highly technical subject matter itself. There are important differences between legal systems, each of which has specific norms, as is reflected especially at the lexical level, in the terminology used. Different text genres (for example, legislation, contracts, indictments, legal textbooks, etc.) require different translation approaches and strategies. For students of translation, a particular problem may also be the high level of abstractness of legislative texts, which are among the most complex legal texts. The paper also discusses difficulties which students have with homonyms, synonyms and collocations in the translation of legal texts.
Formal description of conceptual relationships with a view to implementing them in the ontology editor Protégé
Author(s): Nava Maroto García and Amparo Alcinapp.: 232–257 (26)More LessIn this article we present a catalogue of conceptual relationships in which each relationship is defined formally in terms of its properties and the nature of the conceptual classes involved. By making explicit the conceptual relationships of the catalogue using the standard ontology editor Protégé we should be able to retrieve conceptual knowledge in an onomasiological way using the Queries function of the editor. In the final part of the article we present a sample query taken from the analysis of the terminology of finished ceramic products in order to show how information about relationships can be retrieved.
Combining the semantics of collocations with situation-driven search paths in specialized dictionaries
Author(s): Marie-Claude L'Homme and Patrick Leroyerpp.: 258–283 (26)More LessThe systematic presentation of collocations is increasingly recognized as a very useful addition to specialized reference works. However, few dictionaries or terminological databases actually include this kind of data. More surprisingly still, no method has been designed yet to allow efficient access to and retrieval of specific specialized collocations from electronic reference tools. This article presents two new search paths for accessing and extracting collocations from an English-French specialized lexical database. The paths have been designed according to two specific user-defined situations: (1) translation from L1 to L2; and (2) text production in L2. We exploit a formal semantic encoding of collocations based on Lexical Functions (LFs). LFs allow us to establish an equivalence relationship between collocations that convey the same meaning in different languages without having to link the collocations formally. They also allow us to extract sets of collocations associated with specific meanings.
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