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Spanish in Context - Volume 1, Issue 1, 2004
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2004
Spanish as a world language: Language and identity in a global era
Author(s): Clare Mar-Molineropp.: 3–20 (18)More LessThe article traces the spread of Spanish across the globe, highlighting the changing nature of this spread, from indicator of local dominance to colonisation, and then, today, globalisation. This article focuses on the role of Spanish in an era of globalisation, raising issues about the nature of a world or global language, and noting how the emergence of such languages mirrors the decrease of a wider linguistic diversity. It seeks to answer such questions as whether Spanish can be called a global language or instead only an international one. It suggests various tests that should be applied in order to consider what constitutes a global language. I will conclude by speculating on the future spread and role of Spanish, particularly in the U.S. and in its interaction with English.
Gramática y pragmática: Categorías desfocalizadoras en español
pp.: 21–40 (20)More LessEl presente estudio tiene como finalidad el análisis pragmático de tres categorías gramaticales del español peninsular que pueden ser explotadas para desfocalizar distintos tipos de información. Las categorías en cuestión — el pronombre reflexivo, el adjetivo y el verbo — son, a primera vista, categorías intrínsecamente heterogéneas, motivo por el cual nunca fueron objeto de un análisis comparativo. Desde una perspectiva pragmática, sin embargo, se distinguen por la potencia de graduar la cantidad y relevancia de la información suministrada en la interacción verbal. En la mayoría de los casos, el efecto perlocutivo que el hablante desfocalizador procura producir es un efecto de cortesía profiláctica, que consiste en evitar perjudicar la imagen positiva o negativa del interlocutor.Tipológicamente, el español contrasta con muchas otras lenguas, las germánicas, entre otras, en las que las categorías mencionadas no pueden servir de estrategias desfocalizadoras.En el marco del análisis empírico se harán comparaciones con una de las lenguas germánicas, el holandés, para destacar las características tipológicas del español.
Perseveration of subject expression across regional dialects of Spanish
Author(s): Richard Cameron and Nydia Flores-Ferránpp.: 41–65 (25)More LessModels of communication strictly as a function of intention and control founder when confronted by variationist findings of perseveration at different levels of linguistic structure in use. When Poplack (1981) finds that Spanish [s] leads to more [s] and that “zeros lead to zeros,” it is unclear how speaker intention is involved. But, it is clear that what a speaker says at one point will influence what this same speaker says next. Here we identify perseveration of pronominal and null subjects in three dialects of Spanish: Madrid, San Juan, and New York City. In null subject Spanish, expression of subject pronouns leads to more pronouns, and expression of null subjects leads to more nulls. We argue that a perspicuous account of perseveration may be found within Spreading-Activation Theory (Dell 1986), a psycholinguistic theory of production based on speech errors. Thus, this work integrates quantitative dialect description with psycholinguistic explanation.
Quantifying the standardization process in a non-standard local community: The case of Murcia
Author(s): José María Jiménez-Cano and Juan Manuel Hernández-Campoypp.: 67–93 (27)More LessThe aim of this paper is to report the results of a study of Murcian speech in order to measure the increasing diffusion of standard Castilian features from northern Peninsular Spanish over Murcian Spanish, a traditionally non-standard region. Following the methodology used in similar studies and a real-time approach, we measured the level of standardization of people interviewed in radio broadcasts in the last 26 years. A detailed analysis correlating linguistic variables with social variables and time intervals allowed us to compare the sociolinguistic behavior of the different social groups in terms of standardization (adoption of Castilian Spanish features) or non-standardization (maintenance of local Murcian features) and their tendencies in diachronic terms.
La influencia de la lengua por los medios de comunicación y la difusión de regionalismos en castellano
Author(s): Carsten Sinnerpp.: 95–111 (17)More LessGenerally, there are no doubts felt that the media influence the language and contribute to the expansion of individual linguistic creations, of group-specific linguistic devices or regionalisms. Yet, proof is lacking that the apparently ‘obvious’ influence of the media does really exist or that it is as strong as commonly maintained, and it is widely admitted that it is almost impossible to gather statistically significant proof of any influence of the media on the language. This contribution gives evidence from Spanish, showing that the regional Spanish words chafardear and chafardero, from the Catalan xafardejar, entered the Spanish language via a popular comic strip published in Spain since the 1940s, and that its knowledge and expansion can definitely be related to the success of the comic strip created by a Catalan artist. The study is based upon a total of 60 interviews done both in the bilingual Catalan-Spanish regions and in non-Catalan regions.
Reprendiendo y respondiendo a una reprimenda: Similitudes y diferencias entre peruanos y venezolanos
Author(s): Carmen Garcíapp.: 113–147 (35)More LessEste trabajo presenta una comparación y contraste de las estrategias de cortesía usadas por peruanos y venezolanos en la realización de un evento del habla: la reprimenda y la respuesta a la reprimenda. Los resultados demuestran que al reprender, tanto peruanos como venezolanos prefieren el uso de estrategias de cortesía directa y estrategias que amenazan la imagen del interlocutor (específicamente su imagen negativa). Al responder a la reprimenda, se encontraron importantes diferencias entre peruanos y venezolanos. Los peruanos prefieren estrategias de cortesía negativa y estrategias que amenazan su propia imagen (específicamente su imagen negativa) en vez de la del interlocutor. Los venezolanos, por su parte, prefieren nuevamente el uso de estrategias de cortesía directas. Sin embargo, al igual que los peruanos, prefieren amenazar su propia imagen negativa. Los resultados de este estudio destacan las similitudes y diferencias entre estos dos grupos culturales en cuanto a la expresión de poder y solidaridad.
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